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A “Dazzling” D.B.Q. Is Like a Tasty Hamburger The 2015 Exam ( 3hrs 15 minutes : D-day(5/8/15) Part 1: Multiple choicePart 1: Multiple choice 55 questions,

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Presentation on theme: "A “Dazzling” D.B.Q. Is Like a Tasty Hamburger The 2015 Exam ( 3hrs 15 minutes : D-day(5/8/15) Part 1: Multiple choicePart 1: Multiple choice 55 questions,"— Presentation transcript:


2 A “Dazzling” D.B.Q. Is Like a Tasty Hamburger

3 The 2015 Exam ( 3hrs 15 minutes : D-day(5/8/15) Part 1: Multiple choicePart 1: Multiple choice 55 questions, 55 minutes = 40% of exam Part 2: Short AnswersPart 2: Short Answers 4 questions in 45 minutes = 20% Part 3: DBQ (Documents Based Question)Part 3: DBQ (Documents Based Question) 1 question in 60 minutes = 25% Part 4: Long EssayPart 4: Long Essay 1 of 2 questions in 55 minutes = 15% 1 of 2 questions in 55 minutes = 15%

4 The “ Top Bun ” of your essay! 4-6 sentences The Introductory Paragraph

5 1.E stablish TIME & PLACE. 2.C reate a clear, THESIS STATEMENT. [underline or highlight it!] 3.A llude to the SUB-TOPICS or categories you will discuss to support your thesis statement 4.F ocus on the prompt 5.N O “flowery” sentences! The Introductory Paragraph No “ laundry “ laundry list! ”

6 The “ tasty ” part of your essay! 8-12 sentences+ per paragraph The “”Meat”” Paragraphs

7 1.I dentify your sub-topic or category in the first sentence. 2.I nclude the documents that are relevant to support the ideas in the paragraph. 3.I nclude ONE (NOT ALL) of the following a)A uthor’s Point of View b)H istorical context c)I ntended audience d)P urpose 4.U se six of the seven documents given. 5.B ring in supportive outside information. This is critical!! * o.i.’s = “outside information” 6.W hy were these documents selected? The “”Meat”” Paragraphs

8 4.U se six of the seven documents given. 5.B ring in supportive outside information. This is critical!! * o.i.’s = “outside information” 6.W hy were these documents selected? The “”Meat”” Paragraphs

9 1.Attribution  Who is this person? 2.Why might they be significant? 3.What is the point of view (POV) of the author? 4.How reliable and accurate is the source? 5.What is the tone or intent of the document author? 6.What other information does this document call to mind? Use all available clues. Remember, docs. can be used in a variety of ways! Questions to Ask Yourself About the Documents

10 1.Thomas 1.Thomas Paine, in his pamphlet, Common Sense, Sense, said: “ …………………. ” 2.Joe 2.Joe Smith, a mid-Western delegate to the Republican convention in 1912, 1912, agreed with….. 3.The 3.The 19 c 19 c historian, Frederick Jackson Turner, Turner, felt that …………………. (Doc. E) NEVER begin with: In Document 3, … How to Reference a Document in Your Essay

11 The “ Bottom Bun ” of your essay! It holds it all together! 3-4 sentences The Concluding Paragraph

12 1.S tart with a “concluding phrase.” 2.R estate your thesis statement a bit differently. 3.A dd your synthesis point. extend or modify the thesis Recognize and account for contradictory evidence from primary sources Connect topic to other historical period, geographical area, or context (What connection can you make to today????) The Concluding” Paragraph

13 Put It All Together, And....

14 Ummmmm, Burger! I Mean, A Perfect Essay!

15 Create a rough draft in outline form using this format: Skip a line from your intro. ¶ Identify the “ theme ” /thesis “ theme ” /thesis of this first “ meat ” “ meat ” ¶ [underline or highlight it] Indent bullets listing all facts/doc. info. and other “ o.i. ” s “ o.i. ” s that you will need in that ¶ When done with that ¶, ¶, skip a line and do the same for the other “ meat ” “ meat ” ¶s 1.Write 1.Write out your introductory paragraph. 2.Create 2.Create a loose outline of your “ meat ” “ meat ” ¶ s ¶ s in this manner: DO-NOW In Class: 3.Skip 3.Skip a line after your last “ meat ” “ meat ” ¶ and write you concluding ¶ out in full.

16 Write out your introductory paragraph in full, underlining your thesis statement. ¶ 1 ¶ 1 sub-topic title  Information  Information from a document (Doc-B) from another document (Doc-E)  Some  Some outside information (OI)  Different  Different info. from the same document (Doc-E) ¶ 2 ¶ 2 sub-topic title  Information  Information from a document (Doc-A)  Some  Some outside information (OI) outside information (OI)  Information  Information from another document (Doc-H) Outline Format

17 ¶3 ¶3 sub-topic title  Information  Information from a document (Doc-C) from another document (Doc-D)  Some  Some outside information (OI)  Information  Information from another document (Doc-F)  New  New information from the same document (Doc-F)  Some  Some outside information (OI) outside information (OI) Write out your concluding paragraph in full. Outline Format

18 Now, Go Home & Write Your Essay And Dazzle Me With Your Brilliance!


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