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 Gilded – cheap metal covered with gold, looks nice but has no value.

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2  Gilded – cheap metal covered with gold, looks nice but has no value

3  New Inventions Telephone, light bulb, steel production, factories, etc make life and production easier  Industrialization Improved standard of living More jobs=more $ to spend on sport, recreation, art Saloons, Amusement Parks,Pro Sports, vaudeville, ragtime, Realism  Urbanization cities grow & expand (skyscrapers & transportation) as people move in  Increased population & workforce  New wealth – entrepreneurs Carnegie, Rockefeller Individualism = anyone can rise in society Horatio Alger, Rags to riches novels

4  Corruption Political machines  Poverty  Crime  Gap between rich and poor

5  Herbert Spencer  Applied Darwin’s theory of evolution in nature to human society  Society progressed & got better, only fittest survived  Paralleled Laissez-Faire doctrine, opposed government intervention Social Darwinism

6  Andrew Carnegie  Supported Social Darwinism, Laissez- Faire but also said “ Wealthy Americans should help those less fortunate.” Gospel of Wealth

7  Lester Frank Ward  Human different from animals because we can think & plan  We succeed not because of competition but cooperation

8  Lives governed through natural laws not supernatural ones, scientific explanation for everything  Government needs to assist people  Some people failed to achieve because of their circumstances, opposite of Individualism

9  Churches  Social Gospel – better conditions according to bible ideas of charity and justice  Salvation Army – practical aide and religious counseling  YMCA – bible studies, citizenship training, low cost hotel  Settlement Houses – est. to improve living conditions in poor neighborhoods.  Provide Medical Care, Daycare, English classes

10  Growth of Public Schools – helped Immigrant children Americanize  Taught Language, work ethic, history  Often lead to clashes with parents and children  Rural areas not as much access to schools  Free libraries also allowed people access to education

11  Number of students attending 3x  Most colleges focus on agriculture or mechanical  Number of women colleges also grow

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