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BELLRINGER: 11/11 AND 11/12 1. Pick up the chart by the door. 2. Take out your Geography notes and maps packet for a final review before your Greek Geography.

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Presentation on theme: "BELLRINGER: 11/11 AND 11/12 1. Pick up the chart by the door. 2. Take out your Geography notes and maps packet for a final review before your Greek Geography."— Presentation transcript:

1 BELLRINGER: 11/11 AND 11/12 1. Pick up the chart by the door. 2. Take out your Geography notes and maps packet for a final review before your Greek Geography quiz. You will have approximately 5 minutes to review at the beginning of class.

2 AFTER THE QUIZ… Turn your quiz into the 8 th block drawer in the back as always. Please pick up the Early Greeks review worksheet to work on as others are finishing up the quiz. This is NOT a page in your notebook, but it will be a helpful study sheet for your unit test.

3 POST-QUIZ WARM-UP: With the person next to you, match the god or goddess to their domain (so to speak) in Greek civilization. 1. God/goddess of wisdomA. Hera 2. King of the godsB. Zeus 3. God/goddess of love, beautyC. Athena 4. God/goddess of the huntD. Poseidon 5. God/goddess of the seaE. Apollo 6. God/goddess of musicF. Ares 7. Queen of the godsG. Artemis 8. God/goddess of warH. Aphrodite

4 AFTER THE QUIZ… If you finish the quiz early, please start this warm-up for today’s class. We will go over it together once everyone is finished with the quiz. 1. God/goddess of wisdom (C)A. Hera 2. King of the godsB. Zeus 3. God/goddess of love, beautyC. Athena 4. God/goddess of the huntD. Poseidon 5. God/goddess of the seaE. Apollo 6. God/goddess of musicF. Ares 7. Queen of the godsG. Artemis 8. God/goddess of warH. Aphrodite

5 AFTER THE QUIZ… If you finish the quiz early, please start this warm-up for today’s class. We will go over it together once everyone is finished with the quiz. 1. God/goddess of wisdom (C)A. Hera 2. King of the gods (B)B. Zeus 3. God/goddess of love, beautyC. Athena 4. God/goddess of the huntD. Poseidon 5. God/goddess of the seaE. Apollo 6. God/goddess of musicF. Ares 7. Queen of the godsG. Artemis 8. God/goddess of warH. Aphrodite

6 AFTER THE QUIZ… If you finish the quiz early, please start this warm-up for today’s class. We will go over it together once everyone is finished with the quiz. 1. God/goddess of wisdom (C)A. Hera 2. King of the gods (B)B. Zeus 3. God/goddess of love, beauty (H)C. Athena 4. God/goddess of the hunt D. Poseidon 5. God/goddess of the seaE. Apollo 6. God/goddess of musicF. Ares 7. Queen of the godsG. Artemis 8. God/goddess of warH. Aphrodite

7 AFTER THE QUIZ… If you finish the quiz early, please start this warm-up for today’s class. We will go over it together once everyone is finished with the quiz. 1. God/goddess of wisdom (C)A. Hera 2. King of the gods (B)B. Zeus 3. God/goddess of love, beauty (H)C. Athena 4. God/goddess of the hunt (G)D. Poseidon 5. God/goddess of the seaE. Apollo 6. God/goddess of musicF. Ares 7. Queen of the godsG. Artemis 8. God/goddess of warH. Aphrodite

8 AFTER THE QUIZ… If you finish the quiz early, please start this warm-up for today’s class. We will go over it together once everyone is finished with the quiz. 1. God/goddess of wisdom (C)A. Hera 2. King of the gods (B)B. Zeus 3. God/goddess of love, beauty (H)C. Athena 4. God/goddess of the hunt (G)D. Poseidon 5. God/goddess of the sea (D)E. Apollo 6. God/goddess of musicF. Ares 7. Queen of the godsG. Artemis 8. God/goddess of warH. Aphrodite

9 AFTER THE QUIZ… If you finish the quiz early, please start this warm-up for today’s class. We will go over it together once everyone is finished with the quiz. 1. God/goddess of wisdom (C)A. Hera 2. King of the gods (B)B. Zeus 3. God/goddess of love, beauty (H)C. Athena 4. God/goddess of the hunt (G)D. Poseidon 5. God/goddess of the sea (D)E. Apollo 6. God/goddess of music (E) F. Ares 7. Queen of the godsG. Artemis 8. God/goddess of warH. Aphrodite

10 AFTER THE QUIZ… If you finish the quiz early, please start this warm-up for today’s class. We will go over it together once everyone is finished with the quiz. 1. God/goddess of wisdom (C)A. Hera 2. King of the gods (B)B. Zeus 3. God/goddess of love, beauty (H)C. Athena 4. God/goddess of the hunt (G)D. Poseidon 5. God/goddess of the sea (D)E. Apollo 6. God/goddess of music (E) F. Ares 7. Queen of the gods (A)G. Artemis 8. God/goddess of warH. Aphrodite

11 AFTER THE QUIZ… If you finish the quiz early, please start this warm-up for today’s class. We will go over it together once everyone is finished with the quiz. 1. God/goddess of wisdom (C)A. Hera 2. King of the gods (B)B. Zeus 3. God/goddess of love, beauty (H)C. Athena 4. God/goddess of the hunt (G)D. Poseidon 5. God/goddess of the sea (D)E. Apollo 6. God/goddess of music (E) F. Ares 7. Queen of the gods (A)G. Artemis 8. God/goddess of war(F)H. Aphrodite

12 TABLE OF CONTENTS UPDATE TABLE OF CONTENTS UPDATE: 52: Greek Geography Quiz 53: Government Concepts Chart 54: Notes: Greek Forms of Government 55: Greek Government Debrief Worksheet

13 AGENDA: 1. Greek Geography Review 2. Greek Geography Quiz 3. Warm-Up: Greek Gods and Goddesses 4. Adapted Concept Formation: Government 5. Notes: Greek Forms of Government 6. Debrief on Greek Government (Worksheet)

14 HOMEWORK: Read Ch. 5, Section 2 and take notes; finish government debrief worksheet (if necessary)

15 GREEK FORMS OF GOVERNMENT Ms. Allen 2015-16 Pre-AP World History I

16 CONCEPT FORMATION: 5 TH Get into the following groups: A) Neha, Angie, MackenzieE) Elizabeth, Grant, Sajjaad B) August, Raissa, AnnaF) Connor, Talha, Nick, Amith C) Daniel, Lily, Mounika, GabeG) Conrad, Jaidev, Salman D) Cory, Dean, Shreya, Briana

17 CONCEPT FORMATION: 8 TH Get into the following groups: A) Daniel, Tyler, GrantE) Emma, Tara, Chloe H. B) Jhosselin, Emily, LexiF) Sahar, Yen Nhi, Matt, Zain C) Nuha, Lauren, ClaireG) Kelly, Chris, Connor, Chloe M. D) Morgan, Joe, SammyH) Kayla, Scott, Drew

18 1. DEMOCRACY Main characteristics:  Citizens elect representatives (power to the people)  Concept of majority rule  Individuals have personal rights  System of checks and balances in place  Multiple branches of govt.

19 2. OLIGARCHY Main characteristics:  Power rests with a few people or a dominant group in society  Individuals = less personal rights  No truly “elected” representation (even if official bodies exist)

20 3. TYRANNY Main characteristics:  Form of government in which a leader is cruel and oppressive  No power to the people at all (no elected representation, no personal rights)  Government/leader = total control over all aspects of society (social structure, politics, religion, economy, etc.)  Uses military to enforce laws, censorship, elimination of checks and balances

21 4. MONARCHY Main characteristics:  The head of state/government is chosen on birthright  Hereditary  Different types of monarchies:  Symbolic (think GB today)  Limited  Constitutional/Parliamentary  Absolute

22 5. ARISTOCRACY Main characteristics:  Power is in the hands of a few, privileged people (similar to oligarchy)  People in power = noble by birth  Limited power of the people, likely no elected representatives

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