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Faculty Senate Meeting January 29, 2015 Meredyth Goodwin, Director, Access Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Faculty Senate Meeting January 29, 2015 Meredyth Goodwin, Director, Access Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faculty Senate Meeting January 29, 2015 Meredyth Goodwin, Director, Access Center

2  To serve students with documented disabilities and chronic medical conditions. ◦ Review documentation. ◦ Determine appropriate accommodations. ◦ Advocate for students. ◦ Compliance function: ensure students’ civil rights are met per ADA and Rehabilitation Act  this is done by providing accommodations that provide equal access to the environment and to information.  Accommodations do not ensure success. ◦ Assist faculty to meet access responsibilities.

3 Rights: ◦ To receive appropriate accommodations to “level the playing field.” ◦ To be treated with respect and non-judgment. Responsibilities: ◦ To request accommodations from the Access Center. ◦ To renew accommodations each semester. ◦ To inform faculty and work with faculty to arrange accommodations in a timely manner. ◦ To engage in a discussion with faculty when the accommodation warrants it or if faculty have questions.

4 Rights: ◦ To question accommodations. ◦ To work with the Access Center to arrive at different accommodations if certain ones don’t seem appropriate. ◦ To expect that students will follow the procedures established by the Access Center. ◦ To expect that all students, with or without accommodations, meet the requirements and learning objectives of their class. ◦ To expect that their intellectual property will not be distributed in an inappropriate manner. Responsibilities: ◦ To provide approved accommodations. ◦ To treat students with respect and non-judgment.

5 ◦ Flexible Attendance  When this is appropriate  How it works ◦ Disseminating PowerPoints before class  Why we consider this to be reasonable:  Addresses limitations of certain disabilities  Addresses equal access ◦ Technology and Access  Material presented in lecture must be accessible to all students with sensory disabilities (blind/deaf)  Examples: Transcriptions/Captions in YouTube videos

6 Spring Semester 2015 (and perhaps Summer) ◦ Hours: 3:00Pm – 9:00PM M-F ◦ Why?  Construction Project  Access Center must ensure a quiet testing environment  Faculty/Dept. may choose to accommodate students

7  For further information, please visit the Access Center website:   509-335-3417

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