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Essential Question: How did this election ensure the creation of a permanent two party system in the U.S.? What are the major political parties unable.

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Question: How did this election ensure the creation of a permanent two party system in the U.S.? What are the major political parties unable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Question: How did this election ensure the creation of a permanent two party system in the U.S.? What are the major political parties unable to do after this election?

2 DEMS  Martin Van Buren Why is MVB elected in 1836?Why is MVB elected in 1836? –What is the defining issue of his presidency? How was Van Buren portrayed by the Whig Party?How was Van Buren portrayed by the Whig Party? Was this totally accurate?Was this totally accurate? How does this relate to modern political campaigns?How does this relate to modern political campaigns?

3 DEMS  Richard Mentor Johnson, VP 1836 campaign slogan: "Rumpsey Dumpsey, Rumpsey Dumpsey, Colonel Johnson killed Tecumseh"

4 Van Buren Taking the Blame for His Own and Jackson's Monetary Policies

5 WHIGS  William Henry Harrison What two men did the Whigs pass over for the presidential nomination? Why?What two men did the Whigs pass over for the presidential nomination? Why? –Influence of Old Hickory? How was Harrison portrayed by the Whig Party?How was Harrison portrayed by the Whig Party? Was this totally accurate?Was this totally accurate? How does this relate to modern political campaigns?How does this relate to modern political campaigns?

6 WHIGS  John Tyler, VP Why will Tyler become the first truly significant Vice President in U.S. history?Why will Tyler become the first truly significant Vice President in U.S. history?

7 “Tippecanoe, and Tyler, Too!”

8 “Log Cabin” Campaign Pin, 1840

9 A Harrison Bandana

10 “Log Cabin & Hard Cider” Campaign

11 The Election of 1840 – “Log Cabin & Hard Cider” Campaign Martin Van Buren   William Henry Harrison What’s the difference b/w Harrison & Van Buren when drinking cider?

12 “Stop That Barrel”

13 William Henry Harrison Campaign Song “Tip and Ty” “Tip and Ty” (Words and Music by "A member of the Fifth Ward Club“, published 1840) What has caus'd this great com-mo-tion, mo-tion, mot-ion our coun-try through, It is the ball that's rol-ling on, For Tip-pi-ca-noe, and Ty-ler too, For Tip-pi-ca-noe, and Ty-ler too, And with them we'll beat lit-tle Van, Van, Van is a us'd up man, And with them we'll beat lit-tle Van.


15 1840 Election Results How did this election ensure the creation of a permanent two party system in the U.S.? Significance of Log Cabins & Hard Cider?

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