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A Mandate of the People. Whig Party Henry Clay and Theodore Frelinghuysen Martin Van Buren James Buchanan Lewis Cass John Tyler John C. Calhoun Richard.

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Presentation on theme: "A Mandate of the People. Whig Party Henry Clay and Theodore Frelinghuysen Martin Van Buren James Buchanan Lewis Cass John Tyler John C. Calhoun Richard."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Mandate of the People

2 Whig Party Henry Clay and Theodore Frelinghuysen Martin Van Buren James Buchanan Lewis Cass John Tyler John C. Calhoun Richard Johnson James K. Polk Democratic Party

3 Henry Clay The addition of TX as a slave state threatens the balance in the Senate. We need to negotiate this issue in both the US and with Mexico. We must take in account our agreement to jointly occupy the territory with our dear cousins in Great Britain. We have no rightful claims to this land. Re-annex it already! – it was ours to begin with the LA. Purchase. “Fifty-Four Forty or Fight!” Americans and their interests must be protected in CA. We’ll buy it! James K Polk Third Party Candidate – James Birney of the Liberty Party Texas Oregon California


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