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Student InterventionsImplementation Needs Communication Strategy Student Advisory Period Identify what will be done. Identify what materials are needed.

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Presentation on theme: "Student InterventionsImplementation Needs Communication Strategy Student Advisory Period Identify what will be done. Identify what materials are needed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student InterventionsImplementation Needs Communication Strategy Student Advisory Period Identify what will be done. Identify what materials are needed. Share plan/expectations with staff. (inservice) Share plan expectations with students. (first advisor/advisee meeting) Share plan expectations with parents. (brochure, website) Justification PowerPoint Harrisburg City School District

2 Staff InterventionsImplementation NeedsCommunication Strategy Student Advisory Period Staff Need to be Trained Staff Need to be Provided with Materials Conflict/Issues Resolved regarding schedule Advisory Handbook Justification PowerPoint Consistent Implementation Team Administrative Support/Decision Representation from all buildings. Harrisburg City School District

3 Parent InterventionsImplementation Needs Communication Strategy Student Advisory Update Each Advisory Group is responsible for developing a one (1) page newsletter for parents regarding what has happened during the last marking period during advisor/advisory. Work with Xerox copy center. Resolve approving the content. Process for administrative review. Include some partners in the planning. Justification PowerPoint Harrisburg City School District

4 Business and Community Interventions Implementation NeedsCommunication Strategy Advisory Period Business/ Industry Partner Speakers Develop a list of willing partners Develop guidelines/script for speakers Providing all stakeholders with expectation guidelines for Business Industry Partner Speakers. Harrisburg City School District

5 Postsecondary Interventions Implementation NeedsCommunication Strategy Advisory Period College fair/ Admissions process Career Day Military Visitation Financial Aid Workshops Job Fair Job Shadowing College Visitation Develop a list participating partners and guidelines for their utilization Allocation of resources-- Prioritizing of programs- establishment of timeline * Develop a mechanism for evaluation and monitoring of program elements Provide all participants with timeline of events and expectations of roles/ responsibilities Harrisburg City School District

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