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Bond Package - $386 million $386 Million – No tax rate increase (25 year bond)  Funds all proposed unfunded maintenance, all high and medium high seismic.

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Presentation on theme: "Bond Package - $386 million $386 Million – No tax rate increase (25 year bond)  Funds all proposed unfunded maintenance, all high and medium high seismic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bond Package - $386 million $386 Million – No tax rate increase (25 year bond)  Funds all proposed unfunded maintenance, all high and medium high seismic schools, all additions/expansions, all athletic projects, and all safety and security measures.  Replace/Remodel main building at Milwaukie High School  Builds additional elementary school  Converts Rock Creek Middle School to an additional high school  Completes major renovations at Rowe MS, Alder Creek MS, Milwaukie/El Puente ES, Whitcomb ES, Sunnyside ES, New Urban High School, and Sabin-Schellenberg.  Adds classrooms at Happy Valley Middle School and Clackamas High East campus (future home for Rock Creek Middle students, if bond is approved).  Provides about half the costs of a replacement Transportation Center in a different location 1

2 Bond Package - $415 million $415 Million - $0.11 tax increase per $1,000 assessed value (25 year bond)  Takes the $386 Million Bond Package and adds the following:  Transportation (job completed)  Added funding for these projects  Sunnyside Remodel  Whitcomb Remodel  Alder Creek Remodel  Sabin-Schellenberg Remodel 2

3 Bond Package - $451 million $451 Million - $0.25 tax increase per $1,000 assessed value (25 year bond)  Takes the $386 Million Bond Package and adds the following:  Additional Middle School  East side middle schools will be more than 1,000 students by 2024 (they will require some additional classrooms in the bond)  Rowe Middle School lacks space for enrollment growth  (It will require some additional classrooms  All middle schools will remain above the 2006 target enrollment of 750 (when middle schools had grades 7 and 8 only). 3

4 Where are we now?  Keeping current bond rate will now produce $386 million.  Add $3.5 million in anticipated state grant support  Could create a total package of $390 million  Major change from previous proposals: Completes all unfunded maintenance 4

5 What’s next?  Develop recommendation for School Board  Discussion/Possible action with School Board on Feb. 25 5

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