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Warmup 11/9/15 What would be the first 3 things you’d do if an earthquake hit here in Westminster? Objective Tonight’s Homework To think about earthquake.

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Presentation on theme: "Warmup 11/9/15 What would be the first 3 things you’d do if an earthquake hit here in Westminster? Objective Tonight’s Homework To think about earthquake."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warmup 11/9/15 What would be the first 3 things you’d do if an earthquake hit here in Westminster? Objective Tonight’s Homework To think about earthquake safety Study for tomorrow’s test!

2 Earthquake Action Plan So what would you do in an earthake? How would you make sure you stay safe? Your job for the first half of class is to work with a partner to come up with an “earthquake action plan”. This plan should include the following (and may require some research at home!) 1) Where the safest places are indoors during a quake 2) Where the safest places are outdoors during a quake 3) What people can do to put together an earthquake safety kit before earthquakes hit 4) What to do to survive after an earthquake if it causes damage to your home

3 Test on Earthquakes You also have a test tomorrow on earthquakes. Like usual, you have a vocab crossword to work on. The test will be over the following things: - What causes earthquakes - What makes some quakes worse than others - The different kinds of faults - Seismic waves - Epicenters and the focus - Aftershocks - Location earthquake epicenters - Earthquake magnitude

4 Exit Question How ready do you feel for tomorrow’s test? (0 = not at all, 10 = totally)(no wrong answer) 0 2 4 6 8 10

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