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30-60-90 Day Plan. Agenda Objectives 30 days 60 days 90 days Plan Measurement.

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1 30-60-90 Day Plan

2 Agenda Objectives 30 days 60 days 90 days Plan Measurement

3 Objectives 1 Understand Interview customers, partners and internal stakeholders to learn the business. Goal is to accelerate the learning process to make effective contribution faster. 2 Assess Perform an audit of the team, key processes and the performance of core initiatives. Goal is to identify opportunities for short term and long term improvement. 3 Optimize Implement one key process or program change to demonstrate improvement. Goal is to make the one change that will have the biggest impact on performance.

4 30 days - Understand Goal is to accelerate the learning process to make effective contribution faster. UnderstandAssessOptimize Accelerated learning process to understand the role, team, company, product and market. Interview 5 customers Meet key internal stakeholders Read 5 pieces of market research Complete product training

5 60 days - Assess Goal is to identify opportunities for short term and long term improvement. UnderstandAssessOptimize Situational audit of the team, key processes and current performance of programs. Assess 3 key processes Analyze key initiatives vs. goals Audit team strengths/weaknesses Stack rank areas for improvement

6 90 days - Optimize Goal is to make the one change that will have the biggest impact on performance. UnderstandAssessOptimize Implementation of one process or program change to demonstrate success. Create change plan Involve key stakeholders in plan Establish KPIs for success Communicate for effective rollout

7 90 Days60 Days30 Days Plan Customer interviews Stakeholder meetings Market research Product training Process assessment Analysis of key initiatives Team interviews and audit Opportunity prioritization Create change plan Deliver 30 day update Launch Deliver analysis summary Stakeholder meetings KPI creation and alignment Communication and launch Key tasks to complete for 30,60,90 day plan.

8 Measurement Complete 5 customer interviews Complete stakeholder meetings Give a presentation on the market Pass product training exam Deliver an effective product demo Submit customer interview findings Complete all company training 30 Days - Understand60 Days - Assess90 Days - Optimize Document 3 key processes Deliver existing program analysis Interview all team members Deliver 360 degree situation audit Publish and share analysis Benchmark with 3 rd party data Document stack ranked priorities Align on first change project Communicate objectives to team Publish change project plan Establish stakeholder cadence Develop KPI dashboard to measure Launch change program Review performance and adjust The key success indicators for the 30, 60, 90 day plan.

9 Good Luck

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