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“Groups & Interaction Unit” Social Interaction In Everyday Life.

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1 “Groups & Interaction Unit” Social Interaction In Everyday Life

2 Journal Entry  Which one of the sociologist did you most agree with for the development of YOU!  Which one of the sociologist did you most disagree with for the development of YOU!  Be sure to answer WHY!!!

3 Social Interaction  Social interaction – the process where people act and react in reaction to others. –Through interaction, we create the reality in which we live.

4 STATUS  Status – a social position that an individual occupies.  Every status is part of our social identity.

5 Mother TeacherWife A status set – all of the statuses a person holds at a given time. Change over life course STATUS SET

6 Ascribed status  Ascribed status – a social position a person receives at birth or gets involuntarily. –No choice

7  Ascribed Statuses: –Race –Gender –Family Makeup

8 Achieved status  Achieved status – a social position a person assumes voluntarily that reflects personal ability.  You Choose


10 Master Status Master Status  Some statuses matter more than others.  Master status – a status that has special importance for social identity.

11 Thoughts to ponder… Thoughts to ponder…  Think about all of the “statuses” you have –What are your ascribed? –What are your achieved?  What would you consider to be your “master status”  What things do you have to do to maintain your statuses?

12 Organizing…  Every status a person possesses has a role…

13 Role  Role – behavior expected of someone who holds a particular status.  Role set – a number of roles attached to a single status.

14 Figure 6-1 Status Set and Role Set

15 Role conflict  Role conflict – conflict between roles of two or more statuses. –being pulled in several different directions

16 Role strain  Role strain – tension between roles connected to a single status. –performing various roles feels like a “balancing act.”

17 Question…  Identify situations in your life when you have experienced role strain and role conflict  How do you reduce these situations?

18 Your Activity  Part 1- Status and Roles in Your life Status and Roles in Your lifeStatus and Roles in Your life  Part 2- The Development of Self in Your life The Development of Self in Your lifeThe Development of Self in Your life –Read the section in the directions, I promise it will help you complete the assignment  *Working alone complete both sides of the paper  *Working alone complete both sides of the paper



21 LOCKE- TABULA RASA “BLANK SLATE” Humans are born w/o personality traits and talents We get our personal characteristics as we experience stuff A person can be shaped/molded in anyway What problems does this theory have?

22 COOLEY- LOOKING GLASS SELF We show our self to others, and then wait to see their reaction (like looking in a mirror) to decide who we are 3 step process 1- Imagine how we appear to others 2- se our “self” in the mirror- others reactions 3- decide who we are- judge ourselves Example: a class clown

23 MEAD: ROLE TAKING Individuals see themselves as others see them THEN take on that ROLE Become others “version” of our selves We act how others expect us to Imitate, play, organized games

24 GOFFMAN’S PRESENTATION OF SELF Spent life proving that people’s everyday behaviors are a lot like actors performing on a stage A status is like a part in the play, and the role serves as the script “Presentation of self” a persons efforts to create specific impressions in the minds of others

25 PERFORMANCES People express information both consciously and unconsciously. Individuals design settings, such as homes, offices, etc. to bring about desired reactions to others EX: bedroom, car, Facebook wall

26 NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION Nonverbal communication – using body movements, gestures, and facial expressions rather than speech. This conveys information. Facial expressions are most significant form

27 NONVERBAL EXAMPLES Eye contact is used to invite interaction. Avoiding eye contact= discourages communication Hand gestures may convey an insult. Gestures also supplement spoken words.

28 IDEALIZATION, EMBARRASSMENT, AND TACT We construct performances to idealize our intentions. We try to convince others we do not have selfish motives. Embarrassment – discomfort resulting from a spoiled performance. Tact – helping someone “save face.”


30 INTERACTION IN EVERYDAY LIFE HUMOR Humor is a product of reality construction. It stems from the contrast between two different realities. Humor arises from contradiction, ambiguity, and double meanings found in differing definitions of the same situation. Humor provides a way to express an opinion without being serious. (just kidding) Humor often is a sign of real conflict.

31 REVIEW Experiments and Theories Asch Line test, Bystander, Milgrim Obedience, Janis Group think, Blue Card White Card Game Types of Leaders and Leadership Styles Status and Roles Development of Self Nonverbal, tact, humor

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