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PART II.  Descent group is a permanent social unit whose members say they have ancestors in common.  Descent group membership is determined at birth.

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2  Descent group is a permanent social unit whose members say they have ancestors in common.  Descent group membership is determined at birth and is lifelong, so it is an ascribed status.  Descent is determined through either the mothers line or fathers line of descent but not both of them.  Most societies will follow the line of the mother.

3  There is one person that stands at the top of the common genealogy.  Adam and Eve example  Abraham Example  All of the above are examples of demonstrated descent

4  Clans work differently than  Clans do not necessarily show a line to the Apical Ancestor  Clans just make a claim to that ancestry

5  Clans unlike nuclear families are permanent, enduring units  Clans will then have rules as to where to reside and who lives on the estate  Patrilocality vs matrilocality  Ambilineal descent

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