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LIST status and outlook Sven Richter for the LIST-, RILIS- and Target-Collaborations 21 st of August 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "LIST status and outlook Sven Richter for the LIST-, RILIS- and Target-Collaborations 21 st of August 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 LIST status and outlook Sven Richter for the LIST-, RILIS- and Target-Collaborations 21 st of August 2013

2 2 21 st of August 2013 | RILIS selectivity improvements | Sven Richter ( Outline RILIS and LIST developments towards higher selectivity Principle of the Laser Ion Source & Trap (LIST) Review on the on-line LIST operation & specification On-going refinements at the RISIKO mass separator of UMz Further steps towards improvement of LIST selectivity and efficiency

3 3 21 st of August 2013 | RILIS selectivity improvements | Sven Richter ( Exotic isotope studies on low-energy & accelerated RIBs at ISOLDE / CERN Prerequisite: efficient and selective ionization  Resonance Ionization Laser Ion Source (RILIS) Suppression of isobaric contaminations e.g. from surface ionization  Laser Ion Source and Trap (LIST) Motivation Publications and Theses on the LIST K. Blaum, H.-J. Kluge, K. Wendt et al., NIMB 204 (2003) K. Wendt et al., NIMB 204 (2004) F. Schwellnus et al., NIMB 266 (2008),) F. Schwellnus et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum 81 (2010) K. Wies, Ph.D. Thesis Umz, 2004, F. Schwellnus Ph.D. Thesis, Umz (2010), D. Fink Ph.D. Thesis, UHd (2013), S. Richter Ph.D. Thesis, UMz (2014)

4 4 21 st of August 2013 | RILIS selectivity improvements | Sven Richter ( RILIS Operation: Surface ions on mass 78 Protons 1,4 GeV NuclearReaction Target Hot cavity atomizer Laser beams Mass-marker Extraction Nickel-78 ion beam  example of strong isobaric contaminations of surplus of > 10 6 Mass 78 isobaric beam composition  78 Ga, 78 Zn, 78 Cu, 78 Ni (Production of isotopes in a UCx target with 1.4 GeV protons)

5 5 21 st of August 2013 | RILIS selectivity improvements | Sven Richter ( Surface Ion Source – Unselective Ionization Unselective surface ionization in hot cavity Possible influences of exotic isotope studies by isobaric contamination

6 6 21 st of August 2013 | RILIS selectivity improvements | Sven Richter ( RILIS – Selective Ionization Increase of ionization efficiency for the element of interest Better selectivity but no suppression of isobaric contaminants

7 7 21 st of August 2013 | RILIS selectivity improvements | Sven Richter ( LIST – Active Suppression of Contaminants Active suppression of surface ions by electrostatic repeller Highly selective laser ionization inside the LIST Acceptable Losses in ionization efficiency 23 Na 24 Mg 27 Al 25 Mg 26 Mg Offline mass scans: Suppressing Na and Al for Mg laser ion beam ion current [A] mass [u]

8 8 21 st of August 2013 | RILIS selectivity improvements | Sven Richter ( Technical Lay-out and Installation of the LIST Repeller Electrode LIST Suppressed surface ions LIST laser ions Significant selectivity enhancement by LIST  Complete suppression of surface ions by repeller electrode Resonant ionization within a RF quadrupole structure  High purity beam of the elements of interest Exit Electrode Extractor RFQ Structure RILIS

9 9 21 st of August 2013 | RILIS selectivity improvements | Sven Richter ( On-line operation 2011 --- Performance on 27 Mg First on-line test of the LIST in May 2011 Request: high purity Magnesium beam 48 hours of realistic on-line conditions Titanium target for RIB production Selectivity still limited by background  No significant performance changes of LIST during on-line operation Loss in laser ionization efficiencyEfficient suppression of surface ions Run start Run end K-39

10 10 21 st of August 2013 | RILIS selectivity improvements | Sven Richter ( Laser ionized 30 Mg well above background Loss in efficiency compared to ion guide: Similar for Po: Performance LIST 2012 -- Production of 30 Mg & y Po Laser ionized 30 Mg versus isobarsOverall suppression by LIST New figure of merit: LIST performance quality factor F: Suppression Francium surface ions Production of high purity Polonium beam Using UCx target Difficult conditions by outgasing of the target

11 11 21 st of August 2013 | RILIS selectivity improvements | Sven Richter ( Suppression limits Suppression Limits Deposit of neutral atoms on quadrupole rods Decay inside the LIST Unspecific ionization mechanisms  Secondary isobaric contamination Prototype of a narrow rod LIST  Minimizing deposit on rods 2 mm

12 12 21 st of August 2013 | RILIS selectivity improvements | Sven Richter ( Unexpected production of shortest lived isotopes 217 Rn: T 1/2 = 540µs, α -decay of 221 Ra α -spectrum at mass 217u: 217 Rn α -spectrum at mass 216u: 216 At: T 1/2 = 300µs, α -decay of 220 Fr Deposit of mother nuclei (e.g. 220 Fr, 221 Ra) on quadrupole rods Decay inside the LIST Other ionization mechanisms and extraction towards ISOLDE beam line  0.2 counts/sec of short-lived isotopes ( 216 At, 217 Rn) general half life of produced isotopes at ISOLDE: > 1 ms

13 13 21 st of August 2013 | RILIS selectivity improvements | Sven Richter ( Temperature depended suppression Suppression of 212 Fr can be improved by reducing the temperature: Efficiency of LIST mode less dependent on cavity temperature than ion guide mode  Possibility to optimize cavity temperature for extra reduction of surface ion rate

14 14 21 st of August 2013 | RILIS selectivity improvements | Sven Richter ( The LIST as Tool for Laser Spectroscopy Line shape and center frequency with LIST, ion guide mode and standard RILIS Scan of 2 nd step transition in 208 Po Identical RILIS narrow band Ti:sa laser used for RILIS, LIST and ion guide  identical line shape  no significant increase in line width Comparison of spectral position:  center frequencies determined in RILIS, LIST and ion guide mode  full agreement within uncertainty  no disturbing potential influences (6p 3 7s 5 S 2  6p 3 7p 5 P 2 )

15 15 21 st of August 2013 | RILIS selectivity improvements | Sven Richter ( Temporal behavior of the LIST (on-line) Time structure of the LIST ion pulses under variation of repeller voltages under analysis

16 16 21 st of August 2013 | RILIS selectivity improvements | Sven Richter ( Goal: Comparison of time structure RILIS versus LIST Starting with Rilis analysis by two step RIS of stable Yb Temporal behavior of RILIS (off-line @ RISIKO) Pre-peaks Ionization within acceleration field Source-peaks Ionization inside the source Time independent surface ionization Pre-peaks  More than one (up to 5)  No mass dependence Source-peaks  Substructure  Avoidable by laser alignment  Mass dependence

17 17 21 st of August 2013 | RILIS selectivity improvements | Sven Richter ( Excitation dependency Low Rydberg stateHigh Rydberg stateAutoionizing state No difference in timestructure on different ionization steps

18 18 21 st of August 2013 | RILIS selectivity improvements | Sven Richter ( Pre-peak analysis 3 types of signal: Surface ions RILIS Laser ions (not visible) Laser related ions of wrong mass (ablation) Origin of pre-peaks from different isotopes / elements  Higher selectivity by gating the ion detection / transmission

19 19 21 st of August 2013 | RILIS selectivity improvements | Sven Richter ( Conclusion & outlook Conclusion Specifications of the LIST Add-on for RILIS – Isobar Suppression Factor of LSF ≈ 10 3 - 10 4 – Efficiency Loss Factor LLF ≈ 20 - 50 – Performance Limits by quadrupole structure  Solution under investigation: narrow rod LIST First results of off-line time structure studies – Pre-peaks ascribed to contaminations of other isotopes  Gating and temporal control under investigations Outlook Study and comparison of LIST to RILIS time structure Proof of principle of the narrow rod LIST Mass selective operation of the LIST

20 20 21 st of August 2013 | RILIS selectivity improvements | Sven Richter ( Thank you for LISTening … and special thanks to all the collaborators:

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