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The Metric System and conversions Why use the metric system?  is it just to annoy American high school science students?  It is used by (almost) the.

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2 The Metric System and conversions

3 Why use the metric system?  is it just to annoy American high school science students?  It is used by (almost) the entire world except for the United States.  Easy to replicate.  Easier to convert between units.

4 The “SI” system lengthmeterm masskilogramKg volumeliterL temperatureKelvin/ CelsiusK / C amount of substance molemol SI is a subset of the metric system. SI stands for Systeme Internationale d’Unites or the United International System.

5 Metric Prefixes NameSymbolMeaning Giga-G 1,000,000,000 Mega-M1,000,000 Kilo-k1,000 Hecto-h100 Deka-da10 (base) Decid1/10 Centi-c1/100 Milli-m1/1,000

6 Converting is moving the decimal point  Write down  G’’ M’’ k h da b d c m

7 Converting is just moving the decimal  387 g to kg  551 cm to m  398 mL to L  0.57 g to mg  58700 cm to km  0.387 kg  5.51 m  0.398 L  570 mg .587 km Convert

8 Quantities and Units

9 Length  ~distance  Unit- Meter  one meter is a little bit more than a yard  a little more than 30 cm is a foot  1.6 kilometers is one mile

10 Mass  ~the amount of matter in an object  (it is related to weight it is not the same thing)  unit- kilogram  one kilogram is 2.2 lbs (at sea level)  a paperclip is about one gram

11 Volume  ~the amount of space something takes up  unit- liter  a 2 liter pop bottle is 2 liters  a can of pop is 355 mL  3.8 L is one gallon

12 Temperature  ~how hot something is  Units- Celsius/Centigrade or Kelvin COMMON TEMPERATURES FCK freezing point of water32027 3 room temperature682029 3 human body temperature98. 6 3731 0 Boiling point of water21210 0 37 3

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