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The Behavior Education Program (BEP): An additional intervention to complement school and classroom managment The Behavior Education Program (BEP): An.

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Presentation on theme: "The Behavior Education Program (BEP): An additional intervention to complement school and classroom managment The Behavior Education Program (BEP): An."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Behavior Education Program (BEP): An additional intervention to complement school and classroom managment The Behavior Education Program (BEP): An additional intervention to complement school and classroom managment Crone, Horner, & Hawken (2004)

2 2© Leanne S. Hawken, Ph.D. BEP Builds from School-Wide Support School-Wide Define and Teach Expectations Define and Teach Expectations Monitor and Reward appropriate behavior Monitor and Reward appropriate behavior Clear consequences for problem behavior Clear consequences for problem behavior Information collected and used for decision-making Information collected and used for decision-makingExample Be Responsible-Be Safe Be Responsible-Be Safe Be Respectful-Follow Directions Be Respectful-Follow Directions Be Prepared to Work Be Prepared to Work

3 3© Leanne S. Hawken, Ph.D. Behavior Education Program (BEP) Features: Students targeted based on behavior Improved adult relationships Daily check-in and check-out daily with an adult Daily check-in and check-out daily with an adult Regular feedback and reinforcement from teachers Family component when possible Daily performance data used to evaluate progress

4 Parent Feedback Regular Teacher Feedback Afternoon Check-out Morning Check-in Student Meets BEP Criteria BEP Coordinator Summarizes Data For Decision Making Assess Student Progress Exit Program Revise Program BEP Process Start BEP

5 5© Leanne S. Hawken, Ph.D. Daily Progress Reports Use school-wide expectations Expectations stated positively Expectations stated positively Range of scores (1-4 rating) Scale should be age appropriate Scale should be age appropriate Teacher friendly circling versus writing & place for teacher initials circling versus writing & place for teacher initials consistent expectations versus individual expectations consistent expectations versus individual expectations Data easy to summarize and determine if goal is met

6 Daily Progress Report (DPR) Insert Examples Teacher Initials_____ Parent Signature ___________ Check in Y___N___ Check Out Y___N___

7 © Leanne S. Hawken, Ph.D.7 PERFECT: Met expectation with positive behavior; independently without corrections/reminders 4 points) Name:__________________ Date:______________ Grades K-2 Points received________________ Points possible________________ Daily goal reached? YES NO Expectations 9:30 - 11:00 11:00 - Lunch 1:00 – 2:30 BE SAFE BE PREPARED BE RESPECTFUL GOOD: Met expectation with one reminder/correction (3 points) OKAY: Needed 2 or 3 reminders /corrections to meet expectation (2 point) TOUGH TIME: Try again; needed 4 or more reminders/corrections on expectation (1 points Check inY___N___Check out Y___N___ Teacher Parent Init_____ Signature_____________

8 8© Leanne S. Hawken, Ph.D. Why does the BEP work? Improved Relationships Improved structure Prompts for correct behavior Links student with adult Increase in supervision, monitoring, & feedback Feedback occurs more often Feedback is tied to expectations & student behavior Increase adult and peer attention Linking school and home support Preparing for self-management system

9 Tracking Student BEP Progress (number = % of total daily points) DateJasonLeanneJuanKiranAlexa 1/16/0385951008065 1/17/031001001007577 1/18/037701008563 1/19/034575959285 1/20/038889778990 1/23/037901009595 1/24/0395678510078

10 Daily Data Used for Decision Making


12 12© Leanne S. Hawken, Ph.D. Critical Features for Teachers Discuss & support the “spirit” of program supportive, not punitive supportive, not punitive feedback on behavior (type of statements, what the ratings mean, examples of feedback) feedback on behavior (type of statements, what the ratings mean, examples of feedback) individual coaching individual coaching

13 13© Leanne S. Hawken, Ph.D. Training Students on BEP System Meet with students Model and Practice Accepting Feedback Goal-Setting

14 14© Leanne S. Hawken, Ph.D. BEP Development & Implementation Guide Develop a Daily Progress Report (DPR) On the form provided, identify the period(s) to monitor and write your school expectations Make sure the DPR works for teacher and student (friendly language, correct periods, age appropriate). Identify reinforcement or acknowledgement for student meeting daily goals

15 15© Leanne S. Hawken, Ph.D. BEP Development & Implementation Guide   Discuss and agree with CT.   Develop age appropriate DPR.   Discuss and practice with student; OR begin simulation   Develop & use data system daily Prepare the fields on the Website. Summarize daily data. Enter the daily data onto the Website. Review the charted data weekly.   Adjust program as needed for student

16 16© Leanne S. Hawken, Ph.D. Manual on how to Implement the BEP Crone, Horner, & Hawken (2004). Responding to Problem Behavior in Schools: The Behavior Education Program. New York, NY: Guilford Press

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