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Measurement and Control of Oxygen Saturation Levels in Neonates Group Members Charlie Artime Kit Eward Suzanne Flanary Heather Sweeney Advisors John Penn,

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Presentation on theme: "Measurement and Control of Oxygen Saturation Levels in Neonates Group Members Charlie Artime Kit Eward Suzanne Flanary Heather Sweeney Advisors John Penn,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Measurement and Control of Oxygen Saturation Levels in Neonates Group Members Charlie Artime Kit Eward Suzanne Flanary Heather Sweeney Advisors John Penn, PhD Paul King, PhD

2 Project Definition Design a device to monitor and control, with minimum variation, the blood oxygen saturation level of neonates.

3 Background A study published by our advisor, Dr. John Penn, concluded that variability in blood oxygen saturation levels, along with prolonged exposure to hypoxic conditions, increases the risk for retinopathy of prematurity. 1 1. Penn JS, et al. “The range of PaO2 variation determines the severity of oxygen- induced retinopathy in newborn rats.” Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 1995 Sep;36(10):2063-70.

4 Retinopathy of Prematurity Commonly occurs in very low birth weight, premature infants. Characterized by abnormal blood vessel growth in the peripheral regions of the retina. Leads to detachment of the retina and, in severe cases, blindness. Leading cause of blindness in children.

5 How Our Device Will Help Currently, when neonates exhibit a significant change in blood oxygen saturation, adjustments to the fraction of oxygen in the inspired air must be made by hand. Typically, this results in an overshoot of the blood oxygen saturation of the neonate, and stabilization can take several hours.

6 Work Completed Literature research Scheduled regular meeting time with advisors Preliminary experimentation with the respiratory gas monitor Established liaison with NICU

7 Current Work Making arrangements for data acquisition Contact Dr. Dan Lindstrom and Patrick Norris Web based from NICU Connect respiratory gas monitor to computer Write Visual Basic code for data collection Borrow monitor and investigate capabilities Tour NICU

8 Future Work and Timeline TaskFeb.MarchApril Collect data from NICU ***** Designsafe analysis * * Analyze data to determine trends ******* Determine monitor’s sensitivity characteristics **** Determine relationship between FiO 2 and SaO 2. **** Write program to interpret data and determine necessary adjustments ******** Test and Debug ***

9 Acknowledgements Dr. Paul King and Dr. John Penn - project advisors Dr. Dan Lindstrom, Dr. Bill Walsh, and Dr. Kendall Graham -NICU Dr. Richard Fries and Datex-Ohmeda

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