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Rights and Responsibilities L.I To be able to explain and give examples of rights and responsibilities STARTER: Discuss with a partner – What are rights?

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Presentation on theme: "Rights and Responsibilities L.I To be able to explain and give examples of rights and responsibilities STARTER: Discuss with a partner – What are rights?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rights and Responsibilities L.I To be able to explain and give examples of rights and responsibilities STARTER: Discuss with a partner – What are rights? What are responsibilities?

2 Rights and Responsibilities What are rights? Our rights are what every human being deserves, no matter who they are or where they live, so that we can live in a world that is fair and just. Can you give an example? What are responsibilities? A responsibility is something that we are obliged to do, or should do. It is something that we have to do but it can affect our lives and other people's lives. Can you give an example?

3 What rights do we have? In your book, draw up a table like the one below. With a partner, write down what rights a person has at each of these ages. BABYCHILDADULT

4 Some of our Rights Everyone has the right to: Safety Education Freedom of speech To be different/be themselves

5 Why do we have different rights at different ages?

6 What responsibilities do we have? With your partner, make a list

7 Can we have rights without responsibilities?

8 With rights often comes responsibility too. As we get older we gain more freedom and as a result we have more rights to do things, but along with our rights to do things comes the responsibility to use our freedom correctly. E.g adults have the right to vote, but along with that comes the responsibility to consider carefully who to vote for.

9 What are some of our responsibilities? To follow rules at home, school and in the community To be the best person we can be To respect the rights of others and treat them fairly To learn as well as we can

10 What happens when people don’t accept responsibilities? Other people lose their rights It’s unfair There could be consequences People could become less successful than they might have been People could feel unsafe or unhappy people could be bullied, treated unfairly, abused or feel unsafe. because other people have to do a job that is another person’s responsibility. at home, at school, or in the community, eg people might be punished or harmed in some way. they might give up trying or keep away from people. they could be hurt or teased.

11 Do people in all countries have the same rights as us? Did children in Nazi Germany have any of their rights taken away from them?

12 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights IY&feature=relmfu 4&feature=related 4&feature=related (best one)

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