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A managed, cost effective ICT environment for schools... School Technology Architecture and Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "A managed, cost effective ICT environment for schools... School Technology Architecture and Resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 A managed, cost effective ICT environment for schools... School Technology Architecture and Resources

2 Cloud Computing Online Spaces Blogs Wikis Learning through gaming Ultra Mobile PC’s 1-1 Devices Video Conferencing Video Streaming in the Classroom Interactive Whiteboards Learning Content Management Systems Blackberries Podcasting iPhone Ultranet Learning Material Sharing Cross School Collaboration Open Learning Spaces Instant Messaging Green Screen Technology Innovative ICT in schools....

3 Cloud Computing Technologies Available Today

4 Today, ICT in Victorian schools is... Becoming mobile Converging on the cloud Becoming more affordable As these trends continue, ICT devices could be on school booklists in the next 1-3 years.

5 Today's challenges in supporting ICT in the classroom environment Increased use and reliance on ICT. Increased computer-student ratio (1:5 – 1:2 – 1:1 – 2:1). Increased demand for services. Increased expectation of wireless technology. At this stage – no major change to our ICT support systems

6 The challenges of ICT from a school perspective.. In the left corner – innovation, eLearning, new e-curriculum delivery models In the right corner – support, management, maintenance, $$$

7 Efficiency? 1600 different school curric network solutions = little/no economy of scale in technical solutions = potential for overworked technicians = an inefficient system for future ICT service delivery

8 Purpose of eduSTAR Develop, pilot and measure the benefit of technology based models for the implementation of a managed, cost effective ICT environment in schools. Implemented in a sample of 10 schools by August 2009

9 Business Requirements To enhance learning outcomes and support mobile eLearning Provide a reliable, cost effective infrastructu re. Enable schools to focus on their core business – education. Enable Provide Enhance

10 Architecture Framework Training and Resources Configuration and Management Client Architecture Server Architecture ICT Architecture, Models, Patterns and Layout Managed Operating Environment

11 Training and Resources Online TSSP Training MaterialGuides, Podcasts and Presentations Configuration and Management Client Configuration Tool(s) Automatic System Restore Tool(s) Application Deployment Tool(s) System Health and Availability Tool(s) MOE Management Tool(s) Client Architecture MOE Client Device Build (XP + Vista) Lite Client Device Build (XP / Vista / OS X) MOE Core Applications MOE Build for Educators MOE Build for Learners MOE Build for Administrators Server Architecture MOE Server Build (Windows 2008) Lite Server Build (Windows 2008) Pre-built MOE Virtual Servers (HyperV) Build, configuration and integration guides ICT Architecture, Models, Patterns and Layout ICT Design Models for SchoolsITD Provided Server PanelsITD Provided Client Panels ITD Provided Peripheral Panels (e.g. Electronic Whiteboards) School Technology, Architecture and Resources Framework

12 eduSTAR Lite Progress to date – The first steps towards a MOE eduSTAR for Mobile Devices –Teacher R61 (all models) –Teacher R500 –NetBooks (Acer AspireOne and Lenovo S9/S10) 25 standard applications (Office, Encarta etc.) Setup and configuration tool Self restore Build MOE

13 Mobile Device Configuration Tool


15 Ready, easy access to my files Share my work with others Ready, easy access to applications and research material What do our schools want? Collaborate with others inside and outside my school

16 Managed Operating Environment Other applications

17 DEECD Central Office School eduSTAR v1 School Level Management Environment eduSTAR v1 School Level Management Environment eduSTAR v1 Enterprise Level Management Environment eduSTAR v1 Enterprise Level Management Environment School ICT Progression Strategy Phase 2 Central Software Distribution Results Inventory Reporting (Central and School Level)

18 Managed Operating Environment School Perspective OS Core Apps Patches Anti Virus Policies Accounts Web Apps OCS EduMail

19 Technology Base

20 Today's Demonstration of a School ICT Environment StandardiseManage Empower Monitor

21 Standardise Start Menu Favourites (Users can additionally add their own) User Experience (Log-on, log-off, web browser, 25 core apps) Desktop Single Sign On

22 Manage OS Deployment (Unified approach to desktop deployment) Application Installation and Inventory (State-wide and school level distribution) Application Virtualisation PC rollouts (deployment and inventory) Patching Configure System (Apps, Patches, Domain) Inject Drivers for Hardware Install Windows Vista / XP

23 Monitor Server Health Status (Up/Down, % Free Disk, CPU utilisation etc.) Email warnings and incidents to TSSP Technicians Software Inventory (how many schools are using inspiration?) Asset intelligence.

24 Empower School ICT Support Staff to: –Add school software –Change passwords –Customise school settings All users –Self service password reset –Self restore machines

25 Demonstrations School computer – Student / Staff Experience (XP and Vista) –Log-on –Drives –My Docs –Apps Teacher – Student password reset School technician – Console School technician – Application rollout (QuickVic) School technician – DER Machine Rollout Central office – Software and Hardware inventory

26 Next Steps KPMG – Benchmark schools prior to eduSTAR MOE Install eduSTAR MOE on curric, rebuild network. Leave in place for Apr, May, ½ June KPMG – Perform after benchmark in late June, early July. Cost benefit analysis  Business Case for further implementation

27 The Config Manager Console

28 Computer Management

29 Collections – a config manager term for “group of computers or users”

30 Software Distribution (Packages and Advertisements) Target software or OS deployment to a collection

31 OS Deployment

32 Other features that we will explore Software updates Software metering Asset Intelligence and Inventory Reporting

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