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Diabetes Marta Plumhoff, Samantha Morley, Michael Hirsch, Eleni Kondak

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1 Diabetes Marta Plumhoff, Samantha Morley, Michael Hirsch, Eleni Kondak

2 Diabetes A disease in which blood glucose levels are above normal due to a problem with the hormone insulin Two types: – Type 1: 5% of cases; involves not producing enough insulin – Type 2: 95% of cases; involves insulin not being used properly

3 Connection to Signaling Type 1: not enough insulin is being produced, so the ligand never reaches the receptor Type 2: the receptor does not accept the insulin signal Insulin (ligand) attaches to a receptor tyrosine kinase in the cell membrane. The tyrosines are then phosphoralated and signaling transduction begins.

4 Connection to Transduction Type 1: Since there aren’t enough insulin signals, although transduction occurs, not enough to maintain healthy glucose levels Type 2: Since insulin is ignored by the receptor proteins, transduction never occurs When the insulin binds to the receptor tyrosine kinases, phosphates attach to the tyrosines which then activate the glucose transporter and trigger a cell response.

5 Connection to Cellular Response Type 1: Since not enough insulin is produced, the cell cannot properly respond. Not enough glucose is taken into the cell and changed to glycogen. Type 2: Since the insulin signal is ignored by the receptor, no glucose enters the cell and changes to glycogen. After the transduction pathway activates the glucose transporter, the GLUT allows glucose to enter the cell so it can be changed into glycogen and reduce glucose levels in the blood.

6 Works Cited Anderson, Paul. "Effects of Changes in Pathways." Bozemanscience. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Dec. 2014. Cartailler, Jean-Philippe. " Insulin- From Secretion to Action." Beta Cell. Beta Cells Biology Consortium, n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2014. "Diabetes." Learn Genetics. University of Utah Health Sciences, n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2014. Qureshi, Sajjad A. "Activation of Insulin Signal Transduction Pathway." The Journal of Biological Chemistry, n.d. Web. 8 Dec. 2014. Wilson, Kristy J. "Insulin Signaling/Insulin Action." Diabetes 60.Supplement_1 (2011): A408-442. Science Cases. Marian University. Web.

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