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OCLC Web-scale Management Services Change in the library, impact for our organization Andrew Pace Executive Director, Networked Library Services Larry.

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Presentation on theme: "OCLC Web-scale Management Services Change in the library, impact for our organization Andrew Pace Executive Director, Networked Library Services Larry."— Presentation transcript:

1 OCLC Web-scale Management Services Change in the library, impact for our organization Andrew Pace Executive Director, Networked Library Services Larry Haight Director of Libraries, Simpson University Stefanie Wittenbach Library Director at Texas A&M University - San Antonio June 6, 2011

2 Today’s agenda What is OCLC and what are Web-scale Management Services (WMS)? How will it change our library? How will we benefit? What can we expect? How will this impact students? What do they need? What will they get? How does this affect our visibility on the Web, as a library and organization?

3 72,035 libraries in 170 countries 1,418 55,820 1,091 5,715 4,058 1,800 381 1,752 The OCLC library cooperative Further access to the world’s information Reduce library costs

4 The OCLC library cooperative Community We are part of an OCLC global library cooperative effort Web-scale Management Services (WMS): Initiated, advised and tested by member libraries Community is extended by partnerships (e.g. Google) We are members of a cohort group as we implement WMS By design, WMS enables: Cooperative intelligence among libraries Cooperative workflows between libraries

5 The changing library environment We were, are, and will be facing: Changing formats and usage patterns Customized systems for each of the above Incredible demand with associated resource pressures (staff and budget) Challenges managing associated local hardware and software And… we expect the above to continue

6 Change in the library, impact for your organization OCLC Web-scale Management Services Improves resource efficiency in library operations Offers students an unparalleled research and discovery experience Enhances our visibility and presence on the Web —with peers, community and prospective students

7 How will it benefit your library to move to “the cloud” and Web scale?

8 Change in the library: share and save InfrastructurePlatformApplicationsServices KPMG Web-based applications with shared data and services. Required OCLC Cloud InfrastructureWeb-scale Management Services for libraries

9 Change in the library: the impact of OCLC Web-scale Management Services Users Print Vendors Library OPAC ILS Circulation Cataloging Self Service Acquisitions Cataloging Utility National/ Global System Consortial System Electronic Vendor A to Z List Resolver ERM Institutional Repository Meta- search Data Library UsersSuppliers Partners

10 Change in the library: the impact of OCLC Web-scale Management Services “Our move to a new web-based library service will enhance the inspiring environment of the university... With one platform we can now offer access to more resources for more students. And as a result of streamlined workflows, we will be better positioned to allocate more staff to services, and assist students with additional research needs.” David Bryden, Director of Library Services High Point University, Smith Library

11 Why Web-scale Management Services and what does it change for your library?

12 efficiency improves Improves resource efficiency in library operations

13 Change in the library, impact for your organization Improves resource efficiency in library operations Unified acquisitions for physical and electronic collections Disparate data stored in one system for reuse Built-in access to non-library data (e.g., publisher info) Enter once, share globally—the cooperative advantage Freedom to work on other high priority projects and services And… financial savings from workflow efficiencies

14 An example: typical firm order workflow Search OPAC to see if library owns item to be purchased Yes N o Purchase Don’t purchase Search Cataloging Utility for MARC record R e c o r d f o u n d Download to Local System Login into Acquisitions system Create order from bibliographic record Search for Bibliographic record

15 An example: ordering with Web scale Login into Acquisitions system Create order from bibliographic record Search for Bibliographic record

16 Improves resource efficiency “With Web-scale Management Services, system costs will drop significantly. Like “getting-another-FTE” significantly.” Michael Dula Director for Digital Initiatives and Technology Strategy Pepperdine University Libraries

17 Web-scale value proposition 70 % 30 % INFRASTRUCTUREINITIATIVE Before cloud computing…After cloud computing

18 discovery improves Offers students unparalleled research and discovery experience

19 The current library environment College students Have been “Googlized” Use a broad and global range of information sources Expect access to resources at the point of need Need to incorporate results in meaningful ways into assignments Want help from librarians… and we want to be there for them!

20 The current library environment OCLC, Perceptions of Libraries, 2010

21 Change in the library, student impact Offers students an unparalleled research and discovery experience WorldCat Local: A single-search-box providing access to 700+ million items from your library and the world’s libraries WorldCat Local connects students to all library materials —electronic, digital and physical WorldCat Local gets students to what they need —full-text articles from databases your library licenses; interlibrary loan and consortial borrowing

22 WorldCat Local: electronic, digital and physical materials Books 180 million Articles 445 million Archival materials: 1 million Maps: 3 million Scores: 5 million eBooks: 10 million Visual materials: 5 million Sound recordings: 7 million Serials: 9 million Conference proceedings: 8 million Web/Internet resources: 20 million Theses and dissertations: 15 million Institutional repository records: 30 million

23 WorldCat Local: evaluative content included Goal: Offer a robust collection to enhance discovery How: Aggregate evaluative content from multiple sources Status: 40.7 million data elements included 4.6 million book jacket covers 14.4 million ToCs 2.8 million summaries 294 thousand author biographies 276 thousand first chapters 1.6 million album covers 1.7 million user reviews 360 thousand album reviews 12 million ratings

24 WorldCat Local: offers students an unparalleled experience “It’s intuitive, and students and faculty can run with it.” We completely transformed the way we do instruction and we went from three quarters of the time spent on mechanical stuff to basically no time. We’ve eliminated the teaching of the tool and we can push learning. We can spend more time on what research is really supposed to be about, and that is evaluating information and critical thinking skills.” Mark Vargas Library Director St. Xavier University Library

25 visiblity Enhances Enhances your visibility and presence on the Web

26 Change in the library, organizational impact Enhances your library’s visibility and presence on the Web Through partnerships with leading search engines (Google, Bing and Yahoo!), social networking services and other popular sites With an included mobile solution Through integration with additional search tools such as Google Books Via a customized site We can be found—by past, present and prospective community members (alumni, students/staff/faculty, future students)

27 Enhances your library’s visibility on the Web 1 million library referrals a month Top sites driving traffic : Google 56.8 million Yahoo! 13.6 million Open Library 2.1 million Wikipedia 2.0 million

28 From the Web into your library WorldCat Local

29 Mobile access included

30 WorldCat on mobile devices:

31 Results: increased usage of library resources University of Washington Increased usage 59 % ILL 101 % consortial borrowing Willamette University 21 % 58 % ILL books 270 % ILL articles resolver hits Portland Community College 74 % 80 % ILL books 247 % consortial borrowing resolver hits

32 Enhances library’s visibility on the Web “ILL book requests are up 270 percent; it had been around 50 per month and now it is close to 200. Resolver hits to electronic resources are up 58 percent, and ILL article requests are up 21 percent.” Bill Kelm Systems Librarian Willamette University, Hatfield Library

33 Change in the library, impact for our organization OCLC Web-scale Management Services Improves resource efficiency in library operations Offers students an unparalleled research and discovery experience Enhances our visibility and presence on the Web —with peers, community and prospective students Share in, and benefit from, global library cooperative effort

34 In their own words… Larry Haight —Director of Libraries, Simpson University Stefanie Wittenbach —Library Director at Texas A&M University - San Antonio

35 Getting started To get started with Web-scale Management Services: Contact your OCLC Library Services Consultant to determine the implementation timeframe that is right for your library ( Visit the website to find announcements, sign up for upcoming events, view new videos and more at Attend the June 21 st full demonstration of WMS

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