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GME-MOF: The MOF-Based GME Metamodeling Environment Matt Emerson 10/24/2004 Advisor: Dr. Janos Sztipanovits OOPSLA 2004 Domain-Specific Modeling Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "GME-MOF: The MOF-Based GME Metamodeling Environment Matt Emerson 10/24/2004 Advisor: Dr. Janos Sztipanovits OOPSLA 2004 Domain-Specific Modeling Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 GME-MOF: The MOF-Based GME Metamodeling Environment Matt Emerson 10/24/2004 Advisor: Dr. Janos Sztipanovits OOPSLA 2004 Domain-Specific Modeling Workshop

2 Motivation  The core of MIC is the development of DSMLs.  GME provides MetaGME, a metamodeling language for DSLM specification.  The OMG has adopted MOF as the standard metamodeling language  What is the technical merit of the MOF standard vs. MetaGME?  How can GME adapt to meet this standard with minimum pain? 2 OOPSLA 2004Matt Emerson

3 Outline  Overview of GME and MetaGME  Overview of MOF  GME-MOF: The MOF-based GME metamodeling environment 3 OOPSLA 2004Matt Emerson

4 GME  Meta-programmable modeling tool  Platform for the development of many model-based embedded systems tools  Includes a metamodeling language which predates MOF: MetaGME 4 OOPSLA 2004Matt Emerson

5 5 GME Modeling Hierarchy OOPSLA 2004Matt Emerson

6 MetaGME  Based on UML Class Diagrams and OCL  Class Stereotypes imply the abstract syntax of elements in the metamodel:  : Compositional containers  : Primitive objects  : Pointers to model objects  : Aggregate containers  : Analogous to UML Association Classes  : Logical visual partitions of a system 6 OOPSLA 2004Matt Emerson

7 MOF  OMG Standard metamodeling language  Simplification of UML Class Diagrams  Used as definition language for many OMG specifications:  UML  CWM  OCL  XMI  One use case is the specification of DSMLs 7 OOPSLA 2004Matt Emerson

8 GME-MOF: Design Forces  Tight correspondence between MetaGME stereotypes and GME configuration file entities  Existing tools support, including:  Constraint Checker  Metamodel Interpreter  Existing user base and modeling languages  Kinship of MOF and MetaGME  Both based on UML Class Diagrams 8 OOPSLA 2004Matt Emerson

9 GME-MOF 9 OOPSLA 2004Matt Emerson

10  Leverages existing metamodeling language  Leverages existing metamodel translation tool  MOF provides an MDA-style interface for GME Metamodeling 10 GME-MOF OOPSLA 2004Matt Emerson

11  Model-to-model translation  Design using the Graph Rewriting and Transformation Language (GReAT)  Guided by MOF Tags  Not isomorphic 11 MOF-to-MetaGME Translation MOF ConceptMetaGME Concept PackageFolder ClassModel, Atom, Set, Reference Aggregate AssociationComposition Non-Aggregate AssociationConnection, SetMembership, ReferTo String-typed AttributeFieldAttribute OOPSLA 2004Matt Emerson

12  Match the pattern visualized in black.  Create the pattern visualized in blue. 12 Specifying the Translation Mapping MOF Primitive-type Attributes to MetaGME FieldAttributes OOPSLA 2004Matt Emerson

13 Translation Limitations  How to meaningfully represent in GME:  Singleton Classes  Derived Attributes  Derived Associations  Attributes of arbitrary types  MOF-style metamodel importation 13 OOPSLA 2004Matt Emerson

14 14 Translation Example: UML Class Diagrams Output (MetaGME) Input (MOF) OOPSLA 2004Matt Emerson

15 15 GME-MOF: An MDA Interface for GME  Leverages existing metamodeling language  Leverages existing metamodel translation tool  MOF provides an MDA- style interface for GME Metamodeling  Solution illustrates the versatility of metamodeling and meta- programmable tools OOPSLA 2004Matt Emerson

16 GME-MOF: The MOF-Based GME Metamodeling Environment Matt Emerson 10/24/2004 Advisor: Dr. Janos Sztipanovits OOPSLA 2004 Domain-Specific Modeling Workshop

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