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Set 10 Miscellaneous Root Words cont. derm, -a, -ato dermatitis, dermatologist skin Atopic Dermatitis The term "dermatitis" describes an inflammatory.

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Presentation on theme: "Set 10 Miscellaneous Root Words cont. derm, -a, -ato dermatitis, dermatologist skin Atopic Dermatitis The term "dermatitis" describes an inflammatory."— Presentation transcript:


2 Set 10 Miscellaneous Root Words cont.

3 derm, -a, -ato dermatitis, dermatologist skin Atopic Dermatitis The term "dermatitis" describes an inflammatory response of the skin, caused by contact with allergens or irritants, exposure to sunlight, or by poor circulation, even stress. An example of atopic dermatitis is eczema, an itchy rash that produces redness, blisters and scaling. AVOID SCRATCHING. Scratching the rash may spread the inflammation, lead to infection and even leave scars.


5 Entero enterovirus intestine Enterovirus: A virus that enters the body through the gastrointestinal tract and thrives there, often moving on to attack the nervous system.virusgastrointestinal Infected persons who become ill usually develop either mild upper respiratory symptoms (a "cold"), a flu-like illness with fever and muscle aches, or an illness with rash. The enterovirus genus is so-called because these viruses generally replicate in the intestine.

6 gastr, -i, -po gastric bypass, gastropod Stomach

7 Snails and slugs are known as gastropods, which means 'stomach foot'. This describes the way in which the body and internal organs of slugs and snails has been twisted back so that the stomach lies above the large fleshy foot of these animals

8 gen- genesis, generator To produce


10 gyn-,o, gyneco gynecologist female

11 hem,-e,ato hematoma blood

12 hist,-io,-o histology tissue Comments: Testicular biopsy showing numerous seminiferous tubules with normal spermatogen esis. return to Histology of Testesreturn to Histology of Testes

13 hydro- hydroplane, hydrant water

14 lip,-o liposuction, lipid fat



17 mere- centromere segment, body section

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