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Lesson 10—Networking BASICS1 Networking BASICS The Internet and Its Tools Unit 3 Lesson 10.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 10—Networking BASICS1 Networking BASICS The Internet and Its Tools Unit 3 Lesson 10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 10—Networking BASICS1 Networking BASICS The Internet and Its Tools Unit 3 Lesson 10

2 Lesson 10—Networking BASICS2 Objectives Recite a brief history of the Internet. Tell how the Internet works. Explain how to use a Web browser, e-mail, a listserv, a newsgroup, and search tools. Create a document using HTML.

3 Lesson 10—Networking BASICS3 The Internet It is not controlled or managed by one person or group. Anyone can connect to the Internet. There is no control regarding what can be posted.

4 Lesson 10—Networking BASICS4 History The U.S. was concerned that foreign nations may attack. A computer network was needed that could withstand an attack. The Internet was modeled after the interstate highway system.

5 Lesson 10—Networking BASICS5 History ARPANET was launched in 1969 to link 4 sites. TCP/IP allowed multiple computers to connect to each other. It was replaced by NSFNET in the 1980s. Hypertext Transport Protocol and browsers opened up the Internet to anyone.

6 Lesson 10—Networking BASICS6 Domain Name System (DNS) It resolves (or finds) a Web site’s IP number when given its name. It is a database organized as a hierarchy. It is organized into 3 different levels. DNS is distributed at multiple locations.

7 Lesson 10—Networking BASICS7 Domain Name System (DNS)

8 Lesson 10—Networking BASICS8 Web Browsers They allow users to view text, data, pictures, animation, and video. A Web page contains instructions to a browser about how to display items. Microsoft Internet Explorer is the most popular browser.

9 Lesson 10—Networking BASICS9 E-Mail It is the most common Internet tool. They are either character-based or use a graphical user interface. Documents are sent as attachments. File compression software reduces the size of attachments.

10 Lesson 10—Networking BASICS10 Listserv It is also called a discussion list. It is an extension of an e-mail distribution list. Users subscribe and automatically receive copies of all e-mail messages. Listserv address – Address of the automated mailing program.

11 Lesson 10—Networking BASICS11 Listserv Etiquette Spend time reading before responding. Use a descriptive Subject heading. Include part of the original message when replying. Use upper- and lowercase.

12 Lesson 10—Networking BASICS12 Newsgroup Questions and answers are posted in a central location. It is not necessary to save or sort e-mail messages. It may require special software of the client.

13 Lesson 10—Networking BASICS13 Newsgroup

14 Lesson 10—Networking BASICS14 Portals Portals are also known as an online service. Portals are ready-made menus of lists of information. Each selection narrows choices until the information is located.

15 Lesson 10—Networking BASICS15 Search Engine The spider reads the Web pages and stores information in an index. The search engine sifts through the index to find the user’s requests. The ranking of pages is important.

16 Lesson 10—Networking BASICS16 Search Engine

17 Lesson 10—Networking BASICS17 Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) It is the standard way of defining how text and graphics are displayed. The browser reads HTML document instructions.

18 Lesson 10—Networking BASICS18 Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) Each page is made up of elements. The elements are indicated by tags. A tag is. The ending tag contains a slash....

19 Lesson 10—Networking BASICS19 Summary The Internet is not just one large computer network; it is an internation- al network of computer networks. These networks are of different shapes and sizes and are scattered all across the world. The network that was the foundation of the Internet dates back to the 1950s. The U.S. government created an agency within the Department of Defense called ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency). ARPA’s job was to make the U.S. the world leader in science and technology. In 1962, the government commissioned a study to determine how the military could maintain command and control over its missiles after an attack occurred. ARPA was given the task of designing a computer network for the military, later to be called ARPANET. In 1981, another nation- wide network, NSFNET, was built for those colleges that did not have access to ARPANET. By the early 1990s, most networks were leaving the slower ARPANET and linking to NSFNET, which was then called the Internet.

20 Lesson 10—Networking BASICS20 Summary (continued) One of the key elements of how the Internet works is the Do- main Name System (DNS). The role of the DNS is to look up a Web site’s IP number when given its name. The DNS is a data- base, organized as a hierarchy (or tree), of the name of each site on the Internet and its corresponding IP number. Instead of being on only one computer, the DNS database is divided and distributed to many different servers on the Internet, each being responsible for different areas of the Internet.

21 Lesson 10—Networking BASICS21 Summary (continued) A number of different tools are used for accessing information on the Internet. A Web browser lets a user view text, data, pic- tures, animation, and video on the Internet by using a graphical user interface. Prior to Web browsers, users were forced to memorize and type in long character-based commands. The most common tool used on the Internet is e-mail. A variety of e- mail packages are available. Modern e-mail packages have a graphical user interface and are accessible through a Web browser. Documents sent along with e-mail messages are known as attachments. Many users turn to file compression software, which reduces the size of an attachment by compress- ing the file. This software looks for patterns of characters in the file and substitutes a single symbol for a string of characters.

22 Lesson 10—Networking BASICS22 Summary (continued) A listserv is an automated way to send e-mail to a group. Users subscribe and unsubscribe to a listserv list. When an e-mail message is sent to the list, the listserv program automatically copies the incoming message and sends it to the e-mail address of each person in the group. The listserv program takes care of all of these tasks so users do not have to create and maintain distribution lists. A newsgroup allows users to post questions and answers in a central location instead of sending them direct- ly to each member. One of the advantages of a newsgroup is that all messages are stored in one central location, meaning that the user does not have to save individual e-mail messages. Also, a newsgroup makes it easy to follow a discussion thread.

23 Lesson 10—Networking BASICS23 Summary (continued) There are two basic types of search tools. The first is searching an online service, or portal. Portals provide ready-made menu lists of information from which users can select. These lists may include sports, education, food, health, and a wide range of other topics. Another type of search tool is a search engine which automatically searches the Internet and compiles a data- base that can be searched quickly by a user. Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the underlying founda- tion of all Web pages. HTML is a standard way of defining how text, pictures, and graphics should appear on a Web page. HTML is interpreted by a Web browser, which displays the con- tent based on the instructions, or tags, contained in the HTML document. An HTML Web page is made up of elements, and these are defined by the use of tags.

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