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GIVE YOUR BODY A BOOST WITH LAUGHTER?.  Can watching sitcoms increase your health?  If so, are stress and illness related?  What is the mind/body connection.

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Presentation on theme: "GIVE YOUR BODY A BOOST WITH LAUGHTER?.  Can watching sitcoms increase your health?  If so, are stress and illness related?  What is the mind/body connection."— Presentation transcript:


2  Can watching sitcoms increase your health?  If so, are stress and illness related?  What is the mind/body connection with respect to laughter?

3  Research for 25-30 years  Began with Anatomy of an Illness (memoir) by Dr. Norman Cousins (1979)  Painful spinal condition  Watched sitcoms  10 min laughter=2 hours pain- free sleep CAN SITCOMS REALLY CURE YOU?????

4  Research shows  Those who get heart attacks are 40% less likely to laugh than those with health hearts!(University of Maryland, Preventive Cardiology)  When we laugh:  Stretch muscles  Pulse goes up  Breath faster It’s a mild workout! Vanderbilt University research demonstrates that 10-15 min of laughter burns 50 calories! HOW MANY CALORIES HAVE YOU BURNED SO FAR TODAY?

5  Research shows benefit of laughter in the classroom  Stimulates both sides of the brain  Reduces tension  Increases motivation  Increases participation (American Psychological Association)

6  Additional Research  Soothes difficult moments  Liberates creativity  Helps with cross-cultural understanding “Laughter: Humor in the Classroom. Fastback 241” by Claudia E. Cornett (1986)

7 Stress causes some illnesses:  Job change  Death  Baby  Moving Body reacts—neck pain, back pain, headaches, trouble sleeping? ( Does that mean laughter would help?

8 Research is not yet definitive! Yet laughter can’t hurt, right? tch?v=0eB3ISAYE-I (Laughter and Yoga)

9 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1.Do you think that laughter can cure or help illness and/or pain? Why or why not? Give examples. 2.Does your culture support the idea that laughter benefits health? 3.Do you believe that attitude affects health, in general?

10 discussion questions (cont) 4. Is laughter important to you in a relationship (with friends, boyfriend/girlfriend)? Explain. 5. Can you understand humor in English very well? 6. What is your opinion about laughter in the classroom?


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