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Fear or Faith?.  Faith: The confident assurance that God is Who He says He is, and that He is a keeper of His Word (the truth for our lives).  2 Cor.

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Presentation on theme: "Fear or Faith?.  Faith: The confident assurance that God is Who He says He is, and that He is a keeper of His Word (the truth for our lives).  2 Cor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fear or Faith?

2  Faith: The confident assurance that God is Who He says He is, and that He is a keeper of His Word (the truth for our lives).  2 Cor 5:7 “For we walk by faith, and not sight….”  Heb 11: 6 “…for without faith, it is impossible to please God.”

3 Top 10 general fears …  1. Public spkg 6. Tunnels & bridges  2. Snakes 7. Crowds  3. Confined spcs 8. Pub transportation  4. Heights 9. Storms  5. Spiders 10. Drowning

4 Personal fears…  1. Economy  2. Job  3. Personal finances  4. Relationships  5. Health  6. Children  7. Terrorist attack  8. Divorce  9. Death10. Insignificance

5 Believers’ top 4….  1. Evangelizing  2. Believing God  3. Being Sold Out to Jesus  4. Taking Chances (trying new things)

6 What’s the “root” growing the fruit of fear ?  Evangelizing: Fear of rejection  Do we take it far too personally?  Believing God: Fear of disappointment  Do we still have God in a box?  Selling Out: Fear of losing control  So we really believe WE are in control?  Trying New: Fear of failure/being wrong  Do we believe we’re the first/only one to fail?

7 Pulling up the fear of rejection  Q: To whom do I belong?  A: 1 Cor 3:23 “…for you belong to Christ, and Christ belongs to God.”  Q: What does He say about belonging?  A: Ps 118:6“The Lord is for me, I will not fear”  Heb. 13:5&6 “I will never leave or forsake that we confidently say…I will not be afraid  Heb. 13:5&6 “I will never leave or forsake that we confidently say…I will not be afraid “

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