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Do Now: 1. How are facial expressions a key to our emotion? 2. How do facial expressions compare between cultures? Why?

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: 1. How are facial expressions a key to our emotion? 2. How do facial expressions compare between cultures? Why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: 1. How are facial expressions a key to our emotion? 2. How do facial expressions compare between cultures? Why?

2  How can we explain the emotions of fear, anger and happiness?

3  Alarm system that prepares us for fight or flight, prevent us from doing dangerous things  Conditioned fear (remember little albert?)  Observation  Biologically programmed to fear some things more than others (snakes, cliffs, spiders v. car, electricity)….why?  Amygdala is the key  Genetic component (Twins have similar level of fear)

4  Response to perceived deed, especially when thought to be done on purpose  Annoyances (traffic, aches and pains, etc.)  Anger management  Venting (emotional release = Catharsis)  Catharsis release through aggressive action or fantasy (burning photos)  Anger breeds more anger

5  First wait  Vent anger in healthy manner

6  Feel good, do good phenomenon  Adaptation Level Phenomenon: Happiness is all relative ◦ Cell phone and smart phone  Relative Deprivation Principle

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