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1 Training material in support of the 2008 SNA implementation UNSD-Regional Commissions Coordination Meeting on Integrated Economic Statistics and Environmental.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Training material in support of the 2008 SNA implementation UNSD-Regional Commissions Coordination Meeting on Integrated Economic Statistics and Environmental."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Training material in support of the 2008 SNA implementation UNSD-Regional Commissions Coordination Meeting on Integrated Economic Statistics and Environmental Accounts 19 February 2011, New York, USAUNSD

2 Outline of Presentation Introduction Towards developing standardized training material for SNA implementation – an approach Discussion

3 Introduction Insufficient statistical training is a hindrance to successful implementation of SNA for countries with less developed statistical systems. The 2008 SNA implementation strategy as endorsed by the Statistical Commission at its 39 th session gives greater emphasis on training and capacity building. The ISWGNA and regional commissions could further facilitate this objective by improving the coverage, standardization and accessibility of training material for statistical domains relevant for the collection, compilation and dissemination of national accounts and economic statistics.

4 Developing standardized training material for SNA implementation For optimal use of resources and to avoid duplication of efforts it seems appropriate for the ISWGNA to outline an approach for improved coverage, standardised and accessibility of training material for all domains of economic statistics in promotion of the 2008 SNA implementation. Possible issues in such an approach for training material could include: Coverage and quality Inventory Collaboration/partnership with regional and international organizations Format and language Peer review E-learning facilities, Website cross referencing and cross linking Coordination mechanism Lead organizations to advance training materials by topic

5 Developing standardized training material for SNA implementation The coverage of training material for national accounts and economic statistics could be based on the International Classification of Statistical Activities. The quality of the training material could in part be assessed on whether it appropriately reflects the normative statistical standards for the statistical domain as identified by the international classification of statistical activities. Coverage and quality of training material

6 Developing standardized training material for SNA implementation An inventory of the existing training material for domains of economic statistics should be compiled bringing together training material prepared by international and regional organisations and training institutions (IMF institute, SIAP, TES) and individual countries. Such inventory would improve the accessibility of existing material and allow for the identification of gaps by statistical domains. Inventory of existing training material

7 Developing standardized training material for SNA implementation An exercise of this magnitude would immensely benefit from the partnership of regional and international organisations to take advantage of their expertise and also division of labour. Explore collaborating with SIAP, United Nations University, IMF training institute, World Bank Institute, Regional Commissions, etc. Existing city groups and expert groups could be mobilised to generate training material. Partnership with regional & international organizations

8 Developing standardized training material for SNA implementation The training material could be developed in several formats, for example in the form of PowerPoint slides, long notes, text books etc. The training materials may be first developed in English but ultimately it would be desirable to develop them in all official languages of the United Nations. Format and language of the training material

9 Developing standardized training material for SNA implementation It would be desirable to develop e-learning facilities for faster propagation of training materials; World Bank has developed considerable experience in development of e-learning facilities. Alongside e-learning facilities, a central repository through a website with appropriate cross referencing and cross links would considerably improve accessibility of the training material. Developing e-learning facilities and website cross referencing and cross linking

10 Developing standardized training material for SNA implementation A coordination mechanism would be required to ensure that appropriate procedures are put in place as large number of agencies and statistical domains are involved. Coordination mechanism Identify lead organizations to advance training materials by topics

11 Developing standardized training material for SNA implementation UNSD to establish a Knowledge base on training material, similar to the one on Economic statistics As a concrete step, existing training materials from international agencies and countries will be made progressively available through this dedicated knowledgebase on training materials Further initiatives have to be considered such as training for trainers, e-learning, audio-visual training material.

12 Discussion What are the present regional initiatives and how can we advance the training and capacity building programme with aligned and collective actions?

13 Thank you

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