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8 th Grade Bullying Intervention and Prevention What is Bullying Who are Bullies Targets for Bullies The Bully Inside Why Intervene Key Terms Outline.

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2 8 th Grade Bullying Intervention and Prevention

3 What is Bullying Who are Bullies Targets for Bullies The Bully Inside Why Intervene Key Terms Outline of Presentation

4 Take a moment to think back on a time when you were bullied (or the last time you saw someone else being bullied). L2 Sequence the top 3 words to describe how Bullying made you feel? What is Bullying

5 Did you know? The word “bully” used to mean the total opposite of what it means now. Five hundred years ago, it meant friend, family member or sweetheart. The root of the word comes from the Dutch word “boele,” meaning lover or brother. L1 Define what being a bully means?

6 What is Bullying cont. 13 2

7 L1 List all the different types of Bullying?

8 The Four types of Bullying Defined PhysicalVerbal EmotionalSexual  Hitting or Pushing someone  Stealing, Hiding, or ruining someone's personal property  Forcing someone to do something NN ame calling TT easing II nsulting GG esturing inappropriately RR efusing to talk to someone SS preading lies and rumors about someone MM aking someone feel left out or rejected  Gesturing or speaking inappropriately  Touching or threatening to touch

9 L2 Analyze if Bullying is a natural part of growing up? Every citizen has the right to feel safe and good about their self. It says so in the Preamble of the United States Constitution.Preamble “ We the people of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to our selves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. ” No! It is not.

10 Something or someone is making them feel insecure. Therefore they bully to make themselves feel better. They might not feel like they are getting enough attention from parents, teachers, or friends. Sometimes it is used as a defense mechanism (Hurt others before they can hurt you).defense mechanism Often it is a cry for help. Most bullies at one time were the victims of bullies themselves. Who are Bullies

11 Perceived as different (size, gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, culture, etc). sexual orientation Targets for Bullies Typically introverted L1 At your table discuss and list 3 characters in movies that were bullies? L2 What attribute did all three share?

12 How to deal with Bullies L2 Sequence the top 3 ways to deal with a bully?

13 1. Ignore them and walk away! 3. Write it down to tell an adult! 2. Don’t get upset, turn insults into a joke! 5. Remind yourself, your not the one with the problems! 4. Move near an adult!

14 L1 Describe some ways to avoid being bullied? Don’t bring expensive things or money to school. Label your belongings with permanent marker to avoid theft. Avoid unsupervised areas. Don’t walk alone, travel with at least one other person. Act confident. Hold your head up, stand up strait, and make eye contact.

15 The Bully Inside Does it make you feel better to hurt others? Do you sometimes use your size, strength, beauty, to get your way? Do you say things about others that you wouldn’t say in front of them? Have you been bullied by someone in the past and find yourself bullying others? These are all signs that you are a bully.

16 Apologize to people that you have bullied, and follow it up by being friendly. They might not trust you right away, so be persistent in making restitution.restitution Explore ways to boost your self-esteem without hurting others. Seek help from a school counselor or teacher.

17 Why Intervene L2 Analyze how the “Golden Rule” relates to bullying? Treat others the way you want to be treated. Intervene and stand up for someone when he or she needs it, and when you need it, someone will stand up for you. Intervene

18 Why Intervene cont. 1 6 5 34 2

19 Key Terms Preamble = This is the Introduction to the Constitution of the United States. Defense Mechanism = Strategies used to cope with reality and to protect one’s self image. Intervene = To step in, or to come between two things. bystander = Someone on the outside who is watching. restitution = To make up for, or payback. Sexual Orientation = This is the gender that you find yourself attracted to.

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