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Tentative Agreement Between HLPTA and HLPUSD. Article V.B.2: Association Rights Association President Release: Change to give the HLPTA President the.

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Presentation on theme: "Tentative Agreement Between HLPTA and HLPUSD. Article V.B.2: Association Rights Association President Release: Change to give the HLPTA President the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tentative Agreement Between HLPTA and HLPUSD

2 Article V.B.2: Association Rights Association President Release: Change to give the HLPTA President the right to return to his/her prior site upon the conclusion of his/her term of office

3 Article II: Term of Contract July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2018 (3-year agreement) 2017-2018 Reopeners on 3 articles each plus Salary and Benefits

4 Article IX.M: Work Year, Working Hours, Duties Teacher on Special Assignment: TOSAs or DPSs who do not continue in the position shall be returned to the position held at the time he/she attains permanency in the district.

5 Article XVIII: Personal Leave with Pay Maternity & Paternity Bonding Leave: Establishes a new category of Personal Leave with Pay to conform to AB375 which allows parents to use differential pay and up to 12 weeks for the purpose of bonding with a new baby, adopted child, or foster child.

6 Statement of Mutual Interests In addition to the changes to the Contract, the district and association have signed a Statement of Mutual Interests: This statement is to serve as an agreed upon document, to be contained within the contract, detailing the areas where HLPTA and HLPUSD jointly plan to gather data to be brought to the next bargaining session (#3 and #7) for further discussion as well as areas where interests and beliefs are shared, although no contract language would be appropriate or possible at this time. In such areas, membership can support our interests by contacting the Association if discrepancies to those statements are occurring.

7 1. Elementary Grade Level Reassignments: Limit reassignments to one to two grade levels where possible 2. Specialized Program Relocation (Transitional Kindergarten, Dual Immersion, etc.): The teachers will follow the program whenever possible and appropriate.

8 3. Counselors: Track extra days/hours worked beyond the contractual year and costs to the district and site of pay for extra duties, current roles and responsibilities, examine the fiscal impact of an 11-month year and per diem or hourly pay for extra work 4. BTSA: Examine costs of program to district and individuals and the feasibility of using other funds to pay for the program and/or eliminate cost to beginning teachers

9 5. One-time Monies: Develop a practice to involve HLPTA in the discussion and decisions on the expenditure of one-time funds as it pertains to instructional practices and professional development 6. Special Education: Commitment to limit RSP split assignments to no more than two sites whenever possible and maintain 28:1 caseload

10 7. Stipends: Examine high school stipends, and the extra responsibilities tied to them, and look at possible flexibility to meet school needs 8. Supplies: Clarifying and streamlining the site procurement and distribution processes for necessary curriculum supplies 9. Class Size: Examine alternative ways to alleviate class size in the master schedule

11 MOUS Change of Date for Voluntary Transfers – Teachers must notify district of desire to voluntarily transfer by April 1 Change of Date to notify Bargaining Unit Members of Tentative Assignments – Bargaining Unit Members will be notified by May 1 of tentative assignment for following year

12 MOU Longevity Compensation for Salary Schedules other than Teachers’ Schedule  Formation of a joint ad hoc committee to study options to add longevity steps to schedules other than TK-12 Teachers (Psychologist/LSS, DPS, Adult Ed, ECE)

13 MOU Years of Experience and Longevity Stipends  Formation of a joint ad hoc committee to investigate the impact of changing the criteria for the Anniversary Increment Steps (Longevity Steps 16, 21, and 26) from “years of service in the district” to “years of teaching experience.”

14 MOU Professional Growth and Professional Development Days  Amends the 2014-2015 MOU that increased the work year by 4 days for Professional Growth and Professional Development by removing two days of Professional Growth from the 2016-2017 work year. School year will be 186 days.  This reduction of two days, is one year earlier than the original MOU  There is no corresponding reduction in pay due to reduction in days.

15 MOU Professional Growth and Professional Development Days (cont.)  Start of the 2016-2017 school year is now Wednesday, August 3, 2016.  The April 14, 2017 Professional Growth is now a non- workday. Bargaining Unit Members who chose to use this day for Professional Growth, as defined in the original MOU, shall be paid additional per diem.  Effective 2017-2018, one additional Professional Development day will be removed from the schedule as stipulated in the original MOU. The school year will be 185 days, including one Professional Growth Day.

16 Article XXV: Health/Dental/Vision Insurance Benefits District-paid CAP remains at $11,900 per year MOU District Health and Welfare Contribution The district and HLPTA agree through a separate MOU to: Explore the impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Excise Tax (aka “Cadillac Tax”) Explore a two-tiered rate structure Begin capturing unexpended health and welfare funds in 2016-2017.

17 Compensation The tentative agreement includes several items that impact teacher compensation – Capturing of unused health and welfare monies – Number of days in school year – Opportunity for one day additional per diem pay in 2016 2017 – On-schedule raise – Off-schedule, one time, pay from district reserves – Adjustments to certain additional assignments

18 Appendix A, Other Certificated Salary Schedule Home Teaching (TK-12 members) $32.00 per hour

19 Appendix A, Certificated Extra-Pay Schedule Combine the two counselor stipends into one Counselor $4,232 The Lead Counselor stipend remains at $2,538

20 Article XXIV: Salary Compensation TK-12 Teachers, Counselors, Nurses, Psychologist/LSS, DPS, Adult Education (Annualized) 2015-2016: 6% salary increase, retroactive to July 1, 2015, on schedule 4% one-time off-schedule payment, based on the “new” 2015-2016 schedule, to be issued on or before May 31, 2016 Longevity Stipends (Steps 16, 21, 26) permanently incorporated into all schedules listed above

21 * Longevity based upon years in the district

22 *Longevity based upon years in district


24 Article XXIV: Salary Compensation TK-12 Teachers, Psychologist/LSS, DPS, Adult Education (Annualized) 2016-2017: 4% salary increase on schedule effective July 1, 2016 4% one-time off-schedule payment, based on the “new” 2016-2017, schedule to be issued on or before February 15, 2017 Restructure Columns V and VI of the TK-12 Teachers Salary Schedule to permanently add increments for Steps 13-15, 17-20, and 22-25




28 Article XXIV: Salary Compensation Psychologists/LSS Current Psychologist/LSS Salary Schedule

29 Article XXIV: Salary Compensation Psychologists/LSS




33 Article XXIV: Salary Compensation DPS





38 Adult Education Hourly Rate 2015-2016: 6% salary increase retroactive to July 1, 2015 2016-2017: 4% salary increase effective July 1, 2016

39 Article XXIV: Salary Compensation Adult Education HLPTA ADULT EDUCATION ANNUALIZED SALARY SCHEDULE Current Schedule Schedule Effective January 1, 2014 Hrs/Wk18192021222324252627282930 Steps 1 $ 27,360 $ 28,877 $ 30,404 $ 31,920 $ 33,438 $ 34,962 $ 36,478 $ 37,998 $ 39,521 $ 41,039 $ 42,555 $ 44,082 $ 45,598 2 $ 28,732 $ 30,327 $ 31,927 $ 33,522 $ 35,117 $ 36,714 $ 38,308 $ 39,906 $ 41,504 $ 43,098 $ 44,693 $ 46,282 $ 47,889 3 $ 30,167 $ 31,840 $ 33,520 $ 35,184 $ 36,868 $ 38,544 $ 40,220 $ 41,894 $ 43,574 $ 45,247 $ 46,921 $ 48,602 $ 50,275 4 $ 31,676 $ 33,435 $ 35,194 $ 36,959 $ 38,715 $ 40,475 $ 42,235 $ 43,994 $ 45,756 $ 47,525 $ 49,272 $ 51,035 $ 52,794 5 $ 33,258 $ 35,091 $ 36,954 $ 38,800 $ 40,644 $ 42,497 $ 44,343 $ 46,189 $ 48,040 $ 49,886 $ 51,730 $ 53,582 $ 55,429 16* $ 35,508 $ 37,341 $ 39,204 $ 41,050 $ 42,894 $ 44,747 $ 46,593 $ 48,439 $ 50,290 $ 52,136 $ 53,980 $ 55,832 $ 57,679 21* $ 37,758 $ 39,591 $ 41,454 $ 43,300 $ 45,144 $ 46,997 $ 48,843 $ 50,689 $ 52,540 $ 54,386 $ 56,230 $ 58,082 $ 59,929 26* $ 42,258 $ 44,091 $ 45,954 $ 47,800 $ 49,644 $ 51,497 $ 53,343 $ 55,189 $ 57,040 $ 58,886 $ 60,730 $ 62,582 $ 64,429

40 Article XXIV: Salary Compensation Adult Education




44 Article XXIV: Salary Compensation Early Childhood 2015-2016: 9% one-time off-schedule payment retroactive to July 1, 2015 2016-2017: 9% one-time off-schedule payment effective July 1, 2016

45 Article XXIV: Salary Compensation Early Childhood


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