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Vickie Dull, MS CCC-SLP February 28, 2014 OTAP: AT Now.

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1 Vickie Dull, MS CCC-SLP February 28, 2014 OTAP: AT Now



4  Grant year: 2012-2013.  Purpose of the grant: Students would give classroom presentations in general education, resource room, and self-contained classrooms.  Background of students: Students had limited to no access to iPads, few participated in classroom discussions or presentations voluntarily, limited experience in teaching apps or using apps, no iPad technology was being used in the targeted classrooms during the first year of the grant or in the speech-language department.

5 Grant Outcome The grant targeted nine speech pathologists to learn and implement iPad technology in communication therapy for 245 or more communication impaired students. In actuality, 310 speech-language impaired students increased skills in iPad technology for communication development. Classroom presentations, including special education and general education settings, exceeded the targeted goal of 27. The group reported 104 presentations in the combined settings. The grant target of 324-945 total students learning about iPad technology and apps was exceeded, as 1122 total students were included in the learning process. Vickie Dull Excerpt from iCanSpeak Final Report, May 2013 Grant Outcome The grant targeted nine speech pathologists to learn and implement iPad technology in communication therapy for 245 or more communication impaired students. In actuality, 310 speech-language impaired students increased skills in iPad technology for communication development. Classroom presentations, including special education and general education settings, exceeded the targeted goal of 27. The group reported 104 presentations in the combined settings. The grant target of 324-945 total students learning about iPad technology and apps was exceeded, as 1122 total students were included in the learning process. Vickie Dull Excerpt from iCanSpeak Final Report, May 2013

6 Sounding Board and Proloquo2go

7  Holidays (In the stocking, in the stocking…)  Pumpkins (size, color)  Seasons  Quick choices (snack, tech time…) Motivating, easy, and quick for class:  Photos  Simple Voice Output  Get peers to record the voice


9 Model the questions. Students take turns asking the questions with voice output devices and/or topic boards.  What are these?  What color is a pumpkin?  Show me the big pumpkin.  Show me the small pumpkin.  Is this the big or small pumpkin?




13 Proloquo2go 1. Categories: Take attendance. 2.Categories: I like music. 3.Categories: Guess the vehicle. 4. Categories: Favorite Foods.

14  1. Set up an attendance page on device.  2. Make sure that other students have student photos/names on their individual devices.  3. Model the activity. Are you here, Bob?  4. Make sure that students have a means to respond by raising hand, using Voice Output Device (VOD), or pointing to pictures on a topic page. (I can say yes and no.)  5. Expand activity with “How are you?” and explore feelings during the lesson.



17  SLP and Student present “Music” category.  Instructional Assistants have music samples on smart phones, iPods, students’ devices.  Students take turns pointing to the large screen and/or touching the music icon on the iPad screen to tell us their favorite music.  Class listens to samples of music and decide if we like that genre of music.  Student with mini iPad uses the cable to project her Proloquo2go app.


19  Project the vehicles category page on the screen. (Proloquo2Go)  Students listen to description of vehicle.  Students ask for help to make best inference.  Students take turns giving descriptions.  Use the sign for the vehicle and ask student, “Show me, car.”  Sign the question, “What is your favorite vehicle?”  Students can have similar photos/icons on a topic board or device at their desk.  Instructional Assistants help their students use their devices or pictures to participate in activities.


21  Snacks  Breakfast  Lunch  Dinner  While projecting Proloquo2go, individual students can also use their AAC device or low tech strategy.  Help students ask classmates and staff.


23 Keynote and Educreations: Teach the Social Studies class two apps. Topic: Explorer (Christopher Columbus) Presentation: Have classmates “READ” the Keynote slides. Prerecord the Educreation slides. Feedback: Other students asked, “Why did he get to do the presentation?”

24  (Jokes/riddles)  SoundTouch app (categories)  Understanding Inferences app by Super Duper  Who Do You Call? app  Who Am I? app   Educreations Interaction Whiteboard  Pictello by Assistiveware  Keynote  CommunicationBuilder (and Teen) app  Between the Lines 1, 2, 3 app

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