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FORT WILLIAM FIRST NATION PRESENTATION G'minoomaadozmin Aboriginal Health and Safety Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "FORT WILLIAM FIRST NATION PRESENTATION G'minoomaadozmin Aboriginal Health and Safety Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 FORT WILLIAM FIRST NATION PRESENTATION G'minoomaadozmin Aboriginal Health and Safety Conference

2 Fort William First Nation Over the past several years, Fort William First Nation has undergone a vast amount of changes to keep up with our Economic Development Opportunities. These changes included but were not limited to the way we did business with the ventures that were happening around us in construction, mining, and infrastructure expansion. In addition to this, FWFN had to take into consideration the fact that we were growing as a community and we ourselves needed to plan for this growth. In preparation for this, FWFN entered into a partnership with True Gritt Consulting Limited under the Title of Oshki-Aski L.P. This partnership incorporated the technical support and expertise in the areas of engineering, surveying, and environment. It further provided the monitorship opportunities to build essential skills training for those members employed with Oshki-Aski. This of course included the appropriate Health & Safety skills, tools and equipment required to meet the needs and requirements of the applicable standards.

3 This partnership allowed FWFN to undertake three of their very own major construction projects. The first project was the design and re-construction of our Pow Wow Grounds located at the Mt. McKay Scenic Lookout. The second was the design and re-construction of our primary sewage lines and roads to include paving and sidewalks. The third was the design and construction of a 20 unit sub-division which included infrastructure in preparation for new residential construction. For each of these projects, our employed members were involved from start to finish and were required to adhere to all Health and Safety practices throughout. It was from this training and employment, that our members are able to carry this experience forward to new opportunities that may arise for them.

4 PUBLIC WORKS:Road Construction – Core Training - Heavy Equipment Training - Water Treatment Facility Training Housing Sub-Division - Surveying - Sewer Water Installation - Road Construction Pow Wow Grounds- New Construction Materials/Practices - Safety Awareness Training - Hazard Recognition ADMINISTRATIONHeath- Safety Awareness - Committee Structure - Policy Development with assistance through Nokiiwin - Hazard Recognition and Control Properties- Fire Drills - Emergency Response Team - Security / Survielance

5 This development did not go without struggles. Those trained recognized that short-cuts that we commonly consider standard practice had to be eliminated from construction practices in order to achieve a successful outcome.

6 Staff were also able to identify that improper planning can result in major catastrophe or expense.


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