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Sri Lanka Aquaculture Development Alliance 2004 -2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Sri Lanka Aquaculture Development Alliance 2004 -2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sri Lanka Aquaculture Development Alliance 2004 -2016

2 SLADA Driving Force in Sri Lankan Shrimp Aquaculture Since 2004 & Beyond 2016

3 SLADA CREATES WONDERFUL Business Environment in Sri Lankan Shrimp Aquaculture


5 SLADA Looking Beyond 2016

6 Strategic Areas for Consideration and Improvements BEYOND 2016

7 1. AQUATIC ANIMAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT Grading of Shrimp Farms and Hatcheries Improving and Implementing BMP’s for different grades of Farms and Hatcheries. Improving the BMP Monitoring System Development of Brood Stock Holding facilities & Nauplii Centers Enhancing Post Larvae (Shrimp Fry) Quality

8 2. RESEARCH AND TECHNOLGY DEVELOPEMENT Coordinate the Research needs of the Industry with NARA and other relevant Institutions Bring the New Technological Development to the Aquaculture Industry and Communicate with Industry Stakeholders Educational and Training Programs to Farmers and Hatchery Operators

9 3. ALTERNATE AQUACULTURE SYSTEMS. Introduce Alternate Aquaculture System to Rotate Crops between in a Shrimp Farming Cycle. Facilitate Continues Supply of Seeds of the Alternate Aquaculture Species Organize and Explore Market Opportunities for the Alternate Aquaculture Productions

10 4. SUSTAINABILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMPATIBILTY PROGRAMS Promote Continues Dredging of Dutch Canals and Lagoons in NWP. Improve the Supply and Drainage Canals for certain Farming Clusters Provide Common Supply Canals, Drainage Canals and Sedimentation Facilities to needed Clusters Continues Mangrove Replanting/ Cost Conservation Programs

11 5. INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS Electricity supply to All Shrimp Farms in two years. Road Access to all the Farms Convert Existing Disease Prone Farming Areas in to CLUSTER FARMS with common facilities.

12 6. INFORMATION SYSTEM ON WATER QULAITY, PRODUCTION & DISEASES Improving Web and SMS Based Information Sharing System. Reduce the Knowledge Gap thorough Technical Support Services & Crop Clinics Alert System on Water Quality Changes, Disease Outbreaks, Cyclone, Floods etc.

13 7. IMPROVING QUALITY OF INPUT SUPPLIES AND SERVICES Improve the Quality of the Shrimp Feeds and other Items Imported to the Industry Monitor and Control the Shrimp Farms and Hatchery Chemical and Medicine supplies Improve the Technical Advisory Services and Laboratory Service Standards

14 I 8. PRODUCT QUALITY AND SAFTEY PROGRAMS Provide information on Product Quality and Safety Standards to the Stakeholders Prevent the Use of Banned Chemicals and Antibiotics in the Industry. Promote Certification Programs to the Farms and Hatcheries

15 Organize Marketing Programs for the Aquaculture Produce Internationally with SLEDB Participation. Promote Local Marketing of Aquaculture Products through Fisheries Corporation & Others Take Initiative to Brand the Aquaculture Products. E.g.: SRI LANKAN SHRIMPS 9. MARKETING AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE PROGRAMS

16 10. FINANCIAL SUPPORT AND INCENTIVES Organize an Export Incentive Scheme and Grants for the Aquaculture Producers who supply the goods to Exporters. Arrange Low Cost Finance for the Working Capital Requirement of the Industry Stake holders. Introduce Crop Insurance Schemes for Aquaculture. Introduce Pension scheme for the Aquaculture Farmers.


18 Shrimp Aquaculture GROWTH Will Reflect All the Value Chain Segments of the Industry

19 AQUACULTURE VALUE CHAIN SEGMENTS PROCESSING AND DISTRIBUTION Businesses can also create value in Aquaculture through the processing and /or distribution of Seafood Products EQUIPMENT S AND TECHNILOGIE S These are Tanks, Ponds, Nets, Pumps, Aerators and Other Equipment and the Technologies for the Management of Aquaculture Units FEED AND NUTRITIO N Production and Supply of Feeds and Feed Additives for the Aquaculture Sector HATCHERIES Produce Larval, Juvenile Fish and Shellfish for Transfer to Aquaculture Facilities where they are Grown to harvest Size GROW OUT FACILIITIES Fish and Shellfish are Raised with Sustainable Practices

20 Challenges Today!!! 1.Lower Shrimp Prices 2.Reduced Export Market 3.High Production Cost 4.Creating Value Added products 5.Increase Processing & Cold Storage Capacity 6.Finding the New Markets

21 Average Farm Gate Shrimp Prices (Rs) for Exports YEARPRICES (RS) 2008455 2009553 2010604 2011649 2012712 2013754 2014954 2015674 2016 - Jan640


23 Average Production Cost per kg of Shrimp (Rs) YEAR PRODUCTION COST (RS) 2008410 2009423 2010454 2011472 2012550 2013576 2014607 2015664 2016 Jan676


25 Average Shrimp Feed Prices (Rs) YEARPRICES (RS) 2008180 2009200 2010210 2011215 2012220 2013225 2014230 2015242 2016 Jan255


27 Average USD VS Sri lankan Rupees YEAR1 USD = SLR(RS) 2008108 2009115 2010112 2011112 2012130 2013130 2014131 2015140 2016 Jan145



30 Shrimp Production YEARQUANTITY (MT) 20082230 20093550 20103480 20114150 20123310 20134430 20145054 20156430


32 Shrimp Exports YEARQUANTITY (MT) 2008834 20091432 20101262 20111380 20121056 20131625 20141770 20151650



35 Success Story of the Shrimp Aquaculture NAQDA has been working with SLADA for the implementation of the following in the Shrimp Aquaculture Industry since 2004 1.Regularizing Shrimp farms and Hatcheries and issuing Licenses to Operate in proper manner including Grading of Shrimp Hatcheries. 2.ZONING the Shrimp Farming Areas and implementing CROP CALENDAR System. 3.Implementation of BMP’s in all the segments of the Industry and Introduced Post Larvae TRANSPORT BILL System. 4.Implementation of Proper Biosecurity Systems and Hi Tech PCR Laboratory System for Screening the disease causing Organisms. 5.Trying to arrange funds to improve the infrastructure facilities like Electricity Supply, common supply and sedimentation canals for certain clusters of shrimp farms.

36 POSSIBLE INTERVENTIONS by NAQDA 1.Declare all the Shrimp Farming Zones as BOI Zone. 2.Assisting Exporters to finding New Markets for Shrimp Exports such as USA, China, Russia, Vietnam, Korea and Singapore. 3.Improving Current Processing Plants for Value addition and New Product Creation for niche markets. 4.Branding – “ SRI LANKAN SHRIMPS” 5.Include Shrimp Exports in FTA with Tax Concessions. 6.Supporting the Industry in obtaining Certifications such as ISO, BAP, BRC, CIQ etc. to get new markets. 7.Grants, Export Incentive Scheme, Low cost Finance, Trade Fairs, Exhibitions, Training and Education 8.Supporting to Exploit the full potential of Budget 2016 for the betterment of the Industry.

37 POSSIBLE INTERVENTIONS by NAQDA – Misc. 1.Industrial Electricity Rate for Shrimp Aquaculture Industry 2.Remove the Deposit system when taking electricity 3.Marine Environmental Protection Authority Issues for Hatchery 4.Sea Erosion problems for hatcheries 5.Delay in PCR Test Reports 6.Registering all Societies with NAQDA

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