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Locate Artificial Paths Outside Area / WB & StreamRivers Inside Area / WB.

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Presentation on theme: "Locate Artificial Paths Outside Area / WB & StreamRivers Inside Area / WB."— Presentation transcript:

1 Locate Artificial Paths Outside Area / WB & StreamRivers Inside Area / WB

2 Utilty to identify Artificial Paths that extend outside or are completely outside an NHDArea or NHDWaterbody. The utility will also identify StreamRivers that extend into or are completely within NHDArea or NHDWaterbody.

3 The following steps are only required to add ‘NHD Tools’. If you already have ‘NHD Tools’ in your ArcToolBox, go to slide 13. Right click in Arc Toolbox Add Toolbox

4 Navigate to ‘NHD Tools’ Toolbox: Select ‘NHD Tools’ Select ‘Open’ button

5 NHD Tools has now been added to Arc Toolbox

6 Expand NHD Tools toolbox Right click on Find artificial paths out of area features Properties

7 Set Source: Browse to folder which contains OK

8 Right click on Find improper stream/rivers Properties

9 Set Source: Browse to folder which contains OK

10 Right click on gap_or_branched_attribute_check Properties Note: gap_or_branched_attribute_check is covered in gap_or_branched_attribute_check.ppt

11 Set Source: Browse to folder which contains OK

12 Right click in Arc Toolbox Save Settings To Default

13 Find Artificial Paths Outside Area / WB 14

14 ArcToolbox: NHD Tools Toolbox Double Click – Find artificial paths out of area features

15 Use browse button to navigate to personal Geodatabase OK Utility will run

16 Number of artificials paths outside of NHDArea and NHDWaterbody are returned Shape file extract is created and placed in same folder as personal Geodatabase (aps_out.shp) Uncheck Close dialog box Select Details tab

17 ArcMap: Navigate to Folder that contains your mdb that you selected when you ran the aps_out script Load shapefile extract “aps_out.shp”

18 Open “aps_out.shp” Attribute Table

19 Right Click Shape_Leng Left Click Calculate Geometry

20 Yes

21 OK

22 Sort Descending

23 The values shown in the ‘Shape_Leng’ field are the actual length’s of any artificial path outside of a NHDwaterbody or NHDarea. Any value greater than 1.0 meters should be corrected. Make any required corrections (any value greater than 1.0 meter) to the albers geodatabase file.

24 Select first record where Shape_Leng > 1 Right Click over record Zoom to

25 Notice that the selected feature from aps_out is an artificial path outside LakePond

26 Repeat process for all remaining errors where Shape_Leng > 1 meter

27 Find Improper Stream / Rivers

28 ArcToolbox: NHD Tools Toolbox Double Click – Find improper stream/rivers

29 Use browse button to navigate to personal Geodatabase OK Utility will Run

30 Uncheck Close dialog box Shape file extracts are created and placed in same folder as personal Geodatabase - (imp_streams_in_wbs.shp, imp_ Streams_in_areas.shp) Number of StreamRivers Inside NHDWaterbodies are returned Number of StreamRivers Inside NHDAreas are returned Select Details tab

31 ArcMap: Load shapefile extract “imp_streams_in_areas.shp” and “imp_streams_in_wbs.shp” Load geodatabase file

32 Open “imp_streams_in_areas” Attribute Table

33 Right click on imp_streams_in_areas Open Attribute Table

34 Right click over ‘Shape Leng’ field Use the ‘Sort Descending’ button to sort the ‘Shape Leng’ field.

35 The values shown in the ‘Shape_Leng’ field are the actual length’s of any stream inside of a NHDArea. Any value greater than 1.0 meters should be corrected. Make any required corrections (any value greater than 1.0 meter) to the albers geadatabase file. In this case there is only one and it is shorter then 1.0 meter.

36 Select first record Zoom to

37 Notice that the selected feature from imp_streams_in_areas is a StreamRiver inside Canal/Ditch

38 Snap artificial path and StreamRiver to WB / Area VERTEX NHD Geo Edit Tool: NHDFLOWLINE TOOLS, MODIFY NHDFLOWLINE GEOMETRY, Select NHDFlowline to Edit, Edit NHDFlowline Geometry, Apply NHDFlowline Rules, Save NHDFlowline Edits Add vertex

39 Repeat process for imp_streams_in_wbs

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