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9/03/13 Sixth Day of School Learning Goal: I will be able to identify and recall the steps in the Scientific Method Due Today: Quiz (those who were absent.

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Presentation on theme: "9/03/13 Sixth Day of School Learning Goal: I will be able to identify and recall the steps in the Scientific Method Due Today: Quiz (those who were absent."— Presentation transcript:

1 9/03/13 Sixth Day of School Learning Goal: I will be able to identify and recall the steps in the Scientific Method Due Today: Quiz (those who were absent Friday!) Assignment: Foldable of Steps in the Scientific Method

2 Do Now Flashlight Investigation 1.With your group examine the flashlight. 2.In your notebook draw and complete the following table: Problem/Obs ervations Hypothesis Investigation Results

3 Brain Pop Video Watch the video clip to see if you recall the 7 steps of the scientific method: ntificmethod/ In your science notebook list as many steps as you can remember.

4 Scientific Method Foldable 1.Fold your copy paper hotdog style. 2.Measure and cut only the top portion for flaps. You should have 6 flaps. 3.Label the outside flaps with the 6 steps. 4.Write explanation (in your own words) of each step on the inside left flap.

5 Scientific Method Adapted from Identify Problem/ Make observations Do Research/ Make Hypothesis Design Experiment to test hypothesis Collect Data (observations) Analyze Results/ Make Conclusions Analyze Results/ Make Conclusions Communicate Results

6 Assignment to complete at home Complete labeling your foldable with the six steps of the scientific method. *Be sure you are adding them to the front of your foldable.

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