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Hiroshima and Nagasaki. What countries have nuclear capabilities today? -United States -Russia - China - France - UK -India -Pakistan - Israel - South.

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Presentation on theme: "Hiroshima and Nagasaki. What countries have nuclear capabilities today? -United States -Russia - China - France - UK -India -Pakistan - Israel - South."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hiroshima and Nagasaki

2 What countries have nuclear capabilities today? -United States -Russia - China - France - UK -India -Pakistan - Israel - South Africa ( has renounced the use of Nuclear Weapons) Suspected of Development: North Korea, Iran, Syria, Brazil

3 Bell Ringer: Are countries having nuclear weapons beneficial or detrimental to the World?

4 U.S.S. Indianapolis Delivered components of the Atomic Bomb to the island of Tinian Sank by Japanese sub. 1,196 men on board 900 men left 4 days in the water 316 survived

5 The Manhattan Project J. Robert Oppenheimer – creator 1 st successful test done in New Mexico July 16, 1945 Blast visible 180 miles away

6 Change in the Presidency: April 12, 1945: FDR dies in Warm Springs, GA. (With his mistress) Suffers a massive cerebral hemorrhage (bleeding in the brain) Harry Truman takes over as President (was Vice President) Was kept in the dark in regards to the Manhattan Project until FDR’s death

7 A-Bomb Debate Pros: -Only way to make Japan surrender -Need to justify the cost of building the bomb and man hours spent working. –It would end the war and save countless U.S. military lives –Give U.S. more power in rebuilding Europe Mounting tensions w/Russia Cons: –Japanese might shoot down the test plane –What if the bomb was a dud? –Would kill thousands of Japanese civilians –Would be immoral to drop the bomb w/o prior warning

8 Little Boy Enola Gay dropped “Little Boy” on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 (8:15am) 4.5 tons 10ft. in length/ 3ft. in diameter 1 min.: 69,000 killed and the city was completely destroyed (150,000 would die later from radiation) Had the power of 16tons of TNT Japan still did not surrender Leukemia in children born post WWII.

9 Fat Man 3 days after (August 9 th ) “Little Boy” was dropped, “Fat Man” was dropped on Nagasaki –7ft. Long/5ft. In diameter –39,000 killed instantly –By the end of the year, 200,000 had died of injuries and/or radiation

10 Effects of the Bombs



13 Rare photo taken at ground level of Nagasaki bombing Hiroshima was burnt to ashes

14 Hiroshima Today

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