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Domino’s ordering… How the times have changed  1960 Domino’s opens first store, phones used to place orders  1996 Domino’s website launched  2007.

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3 Domino’s ordering… How the times have changed  1960 Domino’s opens first store, phones used to place orders  1996 Domino’s website launched  2007 Dominos introduced online ordering  2008 Domino’s Tracker & Pizza Builder  2011 Debut Domino’s iPhone App  2012 Debut Domino’s Android App  2014 TAPP the APP!

4 Campaign Objectives  Target market: Women aged 18-49; more specifically, moms aged 33-37 with younger children (5.18 million)  To help 2.7 million people in the target market like the availability and simplicity of the app by October 4, 2014  To help 777,000 people of the target market share Domino’s related items on their social media by December 7, 2014  To help 1.4 million people of the target market buy Domino’s items, continuously purchasing from the app by January 31, 2015

5  35 years old  Two children, aged 8 and 10  Generation Y- tech savvy  Suburban home  Works professional job  Family comes first! Target Market Profile

6 Creative Strategy  Major Selling Idea: To show busy moms how Domino’s mobile app can be used to create more family time  Creative Rationale:  Differentiates itself from Domino’s competitors who are pushing convenience as their major selling idea  Family time is a major factor in the minds of the target market, so it will help make Domino’s marketing strategy more effective and appealing  Slogan: TAPP the APP  Secondary Tagline: Family time is just a tAPP away!

7 SWOT Analysis Strengths:  App covers 95% smartphones and accounts for 30.9% of business  Leader in digital ordering technology  Spread awareness through social mediums Weaknesses:  Generation X and older may not be technologically advanced  Falling behind in online usage  Comparable to top competitors Opportunities:  Increase touchpoints to grow sales  Gain online/app leadership through technological developments  Push “family time” as driving force Threats:  Generation X and older may fail to stay up-to- date on new developments  Increased MARCOM competition  Improved technological developments

8 Strategic Summary Chart

9 Media Plan

10 Budget MARCOM ItemExpense In-Store$49,000 Social Media$24,00 Print$80,021 Sales Promotions$3,650 Augmented Packaging$78,149 Email$2,680 Creative Development$12,500 Forecasted Profit: $9,367,456

11 What’s your Family’s tAPP?  Use pizza savers to create a 30 second YouTube video of their family’s tAPP, a catchy sequence of sounds that compliments Domino’s mobile app, to be used in Domino’s MARCOM  Winner’s family flown out to receive tour of Domino’s headquarters in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and be featured in promotional videos

12 Why do you TAPP the APP?  Run five months into the campaign- at the introduction of the “Family time is just a tAPP away” secondary tagline  Users share their experience with Domino’s mobile app using #TAPPtheAPP on Facebook and Twitter  Top five winners receive free pizza for a year

13 Social Media  #TAPPtheAPP will be integrated across all social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube  Encourages interaction with Domino’s-strengthening word-of-mouth and loyalty to Domino’s and their mobile app

14 Pizza Saver  Distribute pizza savers in large and extra large pizzas not ordered with the app on weekends for two months, starting the second week of the campaign  Physical touchpoint that will reach customers that already have an affinity with the Domino’s brand

15 In-Store  Place in the windows next to the entrance door, facing towards the street in all 4,393 US stores  Generate awareness for carryout customers as well as outside foot traffic

16 Flyer  Attach to pizza boxes halfway through the “Why do you TAPP the APP?” social media campaign  Give large awareness boost so participation does not fade towards the end of campaign

17 Transit Ads  Advertise in busses and metros in Washington DC, New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, and Chicago  Run first, third, and fifth months of campaign  Change design depending on focus of the slogan or secondary tagline

18 Email  Domino’s should send emails to subscribers introducing the slogan, secondary tagline, during the beginning, middle, and end of each contest, after the download of the app, as well as after each order placed through the app  Emails should be equipped with the tAPP sound and/or videos to capture the viewer’s attention

19 Video  Shared through social media, on, and YouTube  Incorporates the signature tAPP for the duration of the video, bringing “TAPP the APP” to life  Shows families increasing their time spent together by TAPPing the APP

20 Integration Map  All touchpoints are connected through the landing page,, or the contests  All touchpoints lead directly to the download of the app in one or two steps

21  Imagine a family- a mom, dad, son and daughter. The mother and father work hard every day to support the family. The son and daughter play sports, are in the school play, and participate in extracurricular activities. By the end of the day, the parents ask – “Where did the time go?”  In today’s world, families are finding it harder to fit all of their responsibilities into a 24 hour day. By using the Domino’s App, mothers can easily put a family dinner on the table, no matter how hectic their day has been. At Domino’s, family comes first, and family time is just a tAPP away when you #TAPPtheAPP

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