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2014-15 Half Yearly Update. Focus  Experimental Learning  Holistic Development of children  Organic Farming  Social & Environmental Awareness.

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Presentation on theme: "2014-15 Half Yearly Update. Focus  Experimental Learning  Holistic Development of children  Organic Farming  Social & Environmental Awareness."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014-15 Half Yearly Update

2 Focus  Experimental Learning  Holistic Development of children  Organic Farming  Social & Environmental Awareness

3 Brief History  School Started in 2000 in Nagarkoodal village of Dharmapuri Dist.  Supported by Asha since 2002  100 children, 5 teachers  Past disbursal  2014-15 -> Rs. 5,54,000 (First Installment)

4 Updates for 2014-15 1 st half  Land for New Hostel Contruction  Construction with minimal funds  Low Carbon Footprint  100 % locally sourced materials  Test bricks for tensile strength, 7 th and 8 th standard help with Math!  Lower Classes learn to use what kind of soil needed

5 Updates Continued  1000 Trees in 5 hours (Weekend Farmers from Chennai and Pondicherry)  3 Day visit by 40 Children and 5 teachers from Timbaktu Collective (Asha Project)  Students had cultural activities, dance, picnic  Teachers shared teaching methodologies, stories

6 Updates Continued  3 rd and 4 th Standard  3 day visit to nearby Farm (Krishnagiri)  Sponsored by the owner Mr. Babu  Visited Tipu Sultan Fort  Students did Nature drawings, wrote poems  5 th and 6 th Standard  Prepare Vegetable Beds and Sow Seeds (all students)  Data Collection

7 Updates Continued  7 th and 8 th Standard (25 days)  IMILI Mahua School (Chhattisgarh)  Experience Tribal Village without Electricity  Performed a skit during annual day on ill effects of electricity  Learnt Hindi, Went on bike rides, learnt swimming  Living Vikasa Vidya Vanam School(Vijayawada)  Held discussions and shared ideas  Visited nearby Fort Kondaraju Konda

8 Updates Continued  Visit from ATREE (Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and Environment)  Research Staff from ATREE visited  Working on proposal for food forest with ATREE  Funds Usage for first half:  new/documents/578/fundsusage_Apr- Dec2014.pdf

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