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Presentation on theme: "DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP ACCESS AND RETURN TO THE LABOUR MARKET FOR PERSONS recovering from mental illness BIURO PROJEKTU: ul. Noniewicza 10, 16-400 Suwałki,"— Presentation transcript:

1 DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP ACCESS AND RETURN TO THE LABOUR MARKET FOR PERSONS recovering from mental illness BIURO PROJEKTU: ul. Noniewicza 10, 16-400 Suwałki, tel./fax. (087) 566 23 98, e-mail:

2 OBJECTIVES ANALYSIS (means and objectives)

3 Improvement of the financial situation No relapses Social and professional integration Return to social and professional life Career prospects Adjusting professional qualifications to the labour market demand Increase in self-confidence and sense of social acceptance Development of long lasting support mechanisms in preparing for return to the labour market Improvement of competitiveness of the beneficiaries Acquiring new or adjustment of existing professional qualifications Eradicating negative stereotypes among the employers and co-workers Change in the attitude toward the beneficiaries among employers Physicians aware of the importance of finding employment for the beneficiaries Family actively supporting the beneficiaries and encouraging them to find employment Reinforcing life activity of the beneficiaries Participation of the beneficiaries in the labour market open for all System motivating employers to offer jobs to the beneficiaries Reducing social costs Improved social awareness and knowledge of problems faced by persons recovering from mental illness MEANS OBJECTIVES

4 Problem analysis (causes and effects)

5 Lower economic status Higher risk of relapse Social isolation Withdrawal from social and professional life Losing career opportunities No attempts to adjust to the labour market demand Anxiety to face challenges of the labour market Lack of confidence and security Employing only healthy persons Persons recovering after mental illness are excluded from the labour market open to all No motivation to employ persons recovering after mental illness among employers High competitiveness in the labour market Negative stereotypes and aprehension among co-workers Apprehension and negative stereotypes among employers Invalidation process progressing No or limited professional qualifications No permanent support mechanisms preparing to participation in the labour market Tendency: the number of persons recovering after mental illness increases Lack of professional care focused on employment in the environment and the healthcare system. Low awareness among employers of the problems connected with persons recovering after mental illness Family resigns and accepts the situation of unemployment Limited experience in finding employment in the open labour market Resignation, withdrawal, low life motivation The system of decreeing disability not adjusted to the labour market Low social awareness and knowledge of the problems faced by persons recovering after mental illness Lack of permanent supporting mechanisms aimed at preparing to participation in the labour market. Increased social costs CAUSES EFFECTS

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