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When did the Reformation occur? Middle Ages – a.k.a. “Age of Faith” or “Dark Ages” RenaissanceReformation ~500 - ~1450~1300 - ~1600~1500 - ~1650.

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Presentation on theme: "When did the Reformation occur? Middle Ages – a.k.a. “Age of Faith” or “Dark Ages” RenaissanceReformation ~500 - ~1450~1300 - ~1600~1500 - ~1650."— Presentation transcript:


2 When did the Reformation occur? Middle Ages – a.k.a. “Age of Faith” or “Dark Ages” RenaissanceReformation ~500 - ~1450~1300 - ~1600~1500 - ~1650

3 To express strong objection To change or improve PROTESTant REFORMation

4 Catholic Church Corruption  Power struggle between Popes & Kings  Wealth Simony – buying or selling of a position in the Church

5 Catholic Church Corruption  Power struggle between Popes & Kings  Wealth Indulgences – a pardon purchased to absolve sin


7 The Great Schism  Church HQ is moved to Avignon, France  Next 6 Popes live in France; Pope Gregory moved back to Rome in 1377  Conflict btwn the French monarchs & the Church (Pope)

8 Papal Schism  Rome Pope  Three Popes  Avignon Pope  Church council elects 3 rd Pope

9 Papal Schism Caused arguments about which man holding the position of pope was the true pope. Ended with the Council of Constance (1414); all three were forced to resign, and a new pope was elected.

10 Calls for Reform  John Wycliffe ~ questioned papal authority  Jan Hus ~ criticized vast wealth  Desiderius Erasmus ~ attacked corruption

11 Martin Luther  German monk, theologian, & father of Protestantism  Critical of indulgences  Believed salvation is a FREE gift from God, obtained by faith

12 Martin Luther  German monk, theologian, & father of Protestantism  Critical of Pope  Believed the Bible is the only true source of Christian doctrine

13 Martin Luther  German monk, theologian, & father of Protestantism  In 1517, Luther nailed the Ninety-Five Theses to the door of the church in Wittenberg, Germany (Holy Roman Empire)


15 Catholic Response  Pope Leo X demands Luther recant The Ninety-Five Theses  Luther is brought before the Diet of Worms  1521: Luther is excommunicated


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