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David Breen, William Regli and Maxim Peysakhov

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1 CS 430/585 Computer Graphics I 3D Representation and Solid Modeling Week 8, Lecture 15
David Breen, William Regli and Maxim Peysakhov Geometric and Intelligent Computing Laboratory Department of Computer Science Drexel University

2 Overview 3D Modeling Wireframes Surface Models
Solids and Solid Modeling Sweep Representations Constructive Solid Geometry Boundary Representation 1994 Foley/VanDam/Finer/Huges/Phillips ICG

3 3D Modeling 3D Representations Modeling in 3D Wireframe models
Surface Models Solid Models Meshes and Polygon soups Voxel/Volume models Decomposition-based Octrees, voxels Modeling in 3D Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG), Breps and feature-based

4 Representing 3D Objects
Exact Wireframe Parametric Surface Solid Model CSG BRep Implicit Solid Modeling Approximate Facet / Mesh Just surfaces Voxel Volume info

5 Representing 3D Objects
Exact Precise model of object topology Mathematically represent all geometry Approximate A discretization of the 3D object Use simple primitives to model topology and geometry

6 Negatives when Representing 3D Objects
Exact Complex data structures Expensive algorithms Wide variety of formats, each with subtle nuances Hard to acquire data Translation required for rendering Approximate Lossy Data structure sizes can get HUGE, if you want good fidelity Easy to break (i.e. cracks can appear) Not good for certain applications Lots of interpolation and guess work

7 Positives when Representing 3D Objects
Exact Precision Simulation, modeling, etc Lots of modeling environments Physical properties Many applications (tool path generation, motion, etc.) Compact Approximate Easy to implement Easy to acquire 3D scanner, CT Easy to render Direct mapping to the graphics pipeline Lots of algorithms

8 Exact Representations
Wireframe Parametric Surface Solid Model operations CSG, BRep, implicit geometry

9 Wireframes Basic idea: Example: A simple cube How about the faces?
Represent the model as the set of all of its edges Example: A simple cube 12 lines 8 vertices How about the faces? Foley/VanDam, 1990/1994

10 Wireframes: Examples Cube with extra wires
Question: why would you want this? Foley/VanDam, 1990/1994

11 Issues with Wireframes
Visually ambiguous No surfaces! What’s inside? What’s outside? Hidden line removal? What does validity entail? Don’t we just have a bunch of wires? Do they need to add up to something? How to model wireframe shapes? Wire by wire? Not very easy!

12 Surface Models Basic idea: Limitations: Used in many CAD applications
Represent a model as a set of faces/patches Limitations: Topological integrity; how do faces “line up”?; which way is ‘inside’/ ‘outside’? Used in many CAD applications Why? They are fine for drafting and rendering, not as good for creating true physical models

13 Surface Models: Examples
Utah Teapot Original IGES standard Bezier patches

14 Solids and Solid Modeling
Solid modeling introduces a mathematical theory of solid shape Domain of objects Set of operations on the domain of objects Representation that is Unambiguous Accurate Unique Compact Efficient

15 Solid Objects and Operations
Solids are point sets Boundary and interior Point sets can be operated on with boolean algebra (union, intersect, etc) Foley/VanDam, 1990/1994

16 Solid Object Definitions
Boundary points Points where distance to the object and the object’s complement is zero Interior points All the other points in the object Closure Union of interior points and boundary points

17 Issues with 3D Set Operations
Ops on 3D objects can create “non-3D objects” or objects with non-uniform dimensions Objects need to be “Regularized” Take the closure of the interior Input set Closure Interior Regularized Foley/VanDam, 1990/1994

18 Regularized Boolean Operations
3D Example Two solids A and B Intersection leaves a “dangling wall” A 2D portion hanging off a 3D object Closure of interior gives a uniform 3D result Pics/Math courtesy of Dave UMD-CP

19 Boolean Operations Other Examples: (c) ordinary intersection
(d) regularized intersection AB - objects on the same side CD objects on different sides Foley/VanDam, 1990/1994

20 Boolean Operations Foley/VanDam, 1990/1994

21 Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG)
A tree structure combining primitives via regularized boolean operations Primitives can be solids or half spaces

22 A Sequence of Boolean Operations
Rigid transformations Pics/Math courtesy of Dave UMD-CP

23 The Induced CSG Tree Pics/Math courtesy of Dave UMD-CP

24 The Induced CSG Tree Can also be represented as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) Pics/Math courtesy of Dave UMD-CP

25 Issues with Constructive Solid Geometry
Non-uniqueness Choice of primitives How to handle more complex modeling? Sculpted surfaces? Deformable objects?

26 Issues with Constructive Solid Geometry
Non-Uniqueness There is more than one way to model the same artifact Hard to tell if A and B are identical

27 Issues with CSG Minor changes in primitive objects greatly affect outcomes Shift up top solid face Foley/VanDam, 1990/1994

28 Uses of CSG Constructive Solid Geometry
Found (basically) in every CAD system Elegant, conceptually and algorithmically appealing Good for Rendering, ray tracing, simulation BRL CAD

29 Sweep Representations
An alternative way to represent 3D obj. Idea Given a primitive (e.g. polygon,sphere ) And a sweep (e.g. vector, curve…) Define solid as space swept out by primitive Foley/VanDam, 1990/1994

30 Sweep Representations
Issue: how to define intersection? Foley/VanDam, 1990/1994

31 CAD: Feature-Based Design
CSG is the basic machinery behind CAD features Features are Local modifications to object geom/topo with engineering significance Often are additive or subtractive mods to shape Hole, pocket, etc…

32 Parametric Modeling in CAD
Feature relationships Constraints Foley/VanDam, 1990/1994

33 Boundary Representation Solid Modeling
The de facto standard for CAD since ~1987 BReps integrated into CAGD surfaces + analytic surfaces + boolean modeling Models are defined by their boundaries Topological and geometric integrity constraints are enforced for the boundaries Faces meet at shared edges, vertices are shared, etc.

34 Let’s Start Simple: Polyhedral Solid Modeling
Definition Solid bounded by polygons whose edges are each a member of an even number of polygons A 2-manifold: edges members of 2 polygons

35 Properties of 2-Manifolds
For any point on the boundary, its neighborhood is a topological 2D disk If not a 2-manifold, neighborhood not a disk Foley/VanDam, 1990/1994

36 Euler’s Formula For simple polyhedra (no holes): #Vertices - #Edges + #Faces = 2 Foley/VanDam, 1990/1994

37 Euler’s Formula (Generalized)
#Vertices - #Edges + #Faces - #Holes_in_faces = 2 (#Components – Genus) Genus is the # holes through the object Euler Operators have been the basis of several modeling systems (Mantyla et al.) Foley/VanDam, 1990/1994

38 Euler Operators Loop L  H, Shell S  C

39 Steps to Creating a Polyhedral Solid Modeler
Representation Points, Lines/Edges, Polygons Modeling Generalization of 3D clipping to non-convex polyhedra, enables implementation of booleans

40 State of the Art: BRep Solid Modeling
… but much more than polyhedra Two main (commercial) alternatives All NURBS, all the time Pro/E, SDRC, … Analytic surfaces + parametric surfaces + NURBS + …. all stitched together at edges Parasolid, ACIS, …

41 BRep Data Structures Winged-Edge Data Structure (Weiler) Vertex Edge
n edges Edge 2 vertices 2 faces Face m edges Pics/Math courtesy of Dave UMD-CP

42 BRep Data Structure Vertex structure Edge structure Face structure
X,Y,Z point Pointers to n coincident edges Edge structure 2 pointers to end-point vertices 2 pointers to adjacent faces Pointer to next edge Pointer to previous edge Face structure Pointers to m edges

43 Issues in Boundary Representation Solid Modeling
Very complex data structures NURBS-based winged-edges, etc Complex algorithms manipulation, booleans, collision detection Robustness Integrity Translation Features Constraints and Parametrics

44 Other Issues: Non-Manifold Solids
There are cases where you may need to model entities that are not entirely 3D Pics/Math courtesy of Dave UMD-CP

45 Other Issues in Boundary Representation Solid Modeling
What’s the surface? Foley/VanDam, 1990/1994

46 Programming Assignment 5
Extend XPM to 60 different RGB colors Read 3 models and assign each a color Implement Z-buffer rendering Implement front & back cutting planes Only render parts of models between planes Implement linear depth-cueing Color = base_color(z-far)/(near-far) Re-use and extend 2D polygon filling

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