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Internet services as a support to library services – part 2 Radovan Vrana Department of information and communication sciences Faculty of humanities and.

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Presentation on theme: "Internet services as a support to library services – part 2 Radovan Vrana Department of information and communication sciences Faculty of humanities and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet services as a support to library services – part 2 Radovan Vrana Department of information and communication sciences Faculty of humanities and social sciences Zagreb

2 What type of online services do we need in libraries? In your opinion, what type of online services do we need in libraries? Suggest examples (use computers in front of you) How would you evaluate library users’ needs for such online services? Who would you employ to build online services for libraries? Can online library service popularity be the most important criterion for their retention? 2 Internet services as a support to library services - 2012. for IP LibCMASS

3 Library transformation Librarians: – From book-keepers, librarians have become information editors, information organisers, and information advisors Library users: – From readers or viewers, library users have become watchers, listeners and browsers (Nguyen, Partridge and Edwards, 2012.) 3 Internet services as a support to library services - 2012. for IP LibCMASS

4 Library transformation The line between users and librarians is beginning to blur Users can contribute their opinions on services via a blog, comment on library policies or other activities; they may also use blogs to review books, suggest information resources, and share information with others (Nguyen, Partridge and Edwards, 2012.) Librarians can join in this process of creation and sharing information to enhance the services In collaboration with others and with librarians, users can create information content, services, and virtual communities for libraries (Nguyen, Partridge and Edwards, 2012.) 4 Internet services as a support to library services - 2012. for IP LibCMASS

5 Library transformation Users’ expectations: preferred and easy-to-use discovery platforms integrated with the latest and up-to-date information (Shri, Anbu and Kataria, 2011) 5 Internet services as a support to library services - 2012. for IP LibCMASS

6 Library transformation What would be characteristics of your favourite library service on the Internet? Should librarians teach users how to use Web 2.0 or future Web x.0 services or should users teach librarians? Changing roles? How would you motivate librarians to use more Web 2.0 services? 6 Internet services as a support to library services - 2012. for IP LibCMASS

7 Library 2.0 Michael Casey was first to use the term library 2.0 on his blog Library crunch Library 2.0: mix of the traditional library and the web 2.0 philosophy (Le Deuff, 2010.) Library 2.0, on the other hand, is the integration of Web 2.0 features in library web-based services (Harinarayana and Raju, 2009) Library 2.0 is a mashup. It is a hybrid of blogs, wikis, streaming media, content aggregators, instant messaging and social networks (Maness, 2006) 7 Internet services as a support to library services - 2012. for IP LibCMASS

8 Library 2.0 Library 2.0. is a new model for library service that bases on user participation in the creation of both the physical and the virtual services they want (Erich, 2007) Means for promoting and extending their services (Harinarayana and Raju, 2009) Participants actively participate in the creation and development of Library 2.0 services. The core of Library 2.0 is the participation of the community (Nguyen, Partridge and Edwards, 2012.) 8 Internet services as a support to library services - 2012. for IP LibCMASS

9 Library 2.0 The main aim of the library is to offer knowledge and valuable information and data to a growing number of users (Le Deuff, 2011.) Library 2.0 implies that services be constantly updated and reevaluated to best serve library users (Erich, 2007.) What is Library 2.0 to you? Provide Library 2.0 examples that you know about! 9 Internet services as a support to library services - 2012. for IP LibCMASS

10 Aspects of Library 2.0 Rank the following aspects (1 – lowest rank / least important, 5 – higher rank / most important): Aspects of Library 2.0 (Erich, 2007.): – A library available to anyone – A library available anywhere – A library which serves it present and potential users 10 Internet services as a support to library services - 2012. for IP LibCMASS

11 Aspects of Library 2.0 – A library which pursues the access standardization of the offered services – A library which offers multiple access to unique resources – Major efficiency concerning the costs against the traditional libraries – Permanent availability – Informational content richer and better structured – Friendly means and methods for searching the information – A new vision about preservation and dissemination of the information according which the preservation is made through the copies multiplication come next spreading 11 Internet services as a support to library services - 2012. for IP LibCMASS

12 One way or two way? Old media such as television, radio and books are one way media (so called, push media) The Internet is a two way medium (so called, push – pull medium) In what cases in interaction of librarians and library users is use of one or the other group appropriate? 12 Internet services as a support to library services - 2012. for IP LibCMASS

13 Example of online library services 13 Internet services as a support to library services - 2012. for IP LibCMASS

14 By using wireframe model, design your own… Internet library service which will: – Inform public about new library services – Inform public about new acquisitions – Inform public about new library events – Enable user comments about library – Allow library user to contribute content Let’s see and discuss your results! 14 Internet services as a support to library services - 2012. for IP LibCMASS

15 References Erich, Agnes. (2007), "Library 2.0 A New Service Model For Libraries", Library and Information Science Research, No. 11, (accessed July 12th 2012) Harinarayana, N.S. and N. Vasantha Raju. (2009), "Web 2.0 features in university library web sites", The Electronic Library, Vol. 28 No. 1, 69-88. Le Deuff, Olivier. (2011) "Library 2. and the Culture of information: new paradigms?, Cadernos BAD, No. 1, pp. 20-28. Maness, Jack M. (2006), "Library 2.0 Theory: Web 2.0 and Its Implications for Libraries", Webology, Vol. 3, No. 2. (accessed 15. July 2012.) Nguyen, Linh Cuong, Partridge, Helen and Sylvia L. Edwards, (2012),"Towards an understanding of the participatory library", Library Hi Tech, Vol. 30 No. 2 pp. 335 – 346. Ram, Shri, Anbu, John Paul K and Sanjay Kataria. (2011), "Responding to user’s expectation in the library: innovative Web 2.0 applications at JUIT Library", Program: electronic library and information systems, Vol. 45 No. 4, 452-469. 15 Internet services as a support to library services - 2012. for IP LibCMASS

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