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Chapter 11 Review Mr. Meza 8 th Grade U.S. History.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 11 Review Mr. Meza 8 th Grade U.S. History."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 11 Review Mr. Meza 8 th Grade U.S. History

2 1. President Washington’s cabinet? Department of War = protect country Department of State = foreign relations Department of Treasury = nation’s finances

3 2. The Whiskey rebellion In 1794 farmers in western Pennsylvania rebel against the excise tax placed on whiskey and other goods

4 3. The excise tax A tax placed on whiskey and other luxury goods The government lacked funds

5 4. What was necessary for the U.S. to become a great bank? A strong economy with a national bank

6 5. Republican views on the economy Believed in an agriculture-based economy

7 6. Why did Republicans continue to support the French Revolution? “The loss of a few thousand aristocrats was a small price to pay for freedom”

8 7. What services would be provided by a national bank? Collect taxes Print money Loans for businesspeople

9 8. What led to the addition of the twelfth amendment to the constitution? The election of 1800 Jefferson and Burr ended in a tie

10 9. Jefferson’s views on the election of 1800 A peaceful revolution There was a transfer of power without violence

11 10. Nullify Refuse to recognize a national law States can nullify laws – declare them to be without legal force

12 11. Republican views on the Alien and Sedition Acts Felt it was an attack against the Republican party Immigrants voted Republican

13 12. Two threats facing the future of the country Problems with other countries Problems between political parties

14 13. Two parties that emerge? Federalist Republican

15 14. Major issue dividing parties Was the issue regarding the size of our government Republicans = small government Federalist = strong central government

16 15. Federalist and Great Britain Federalist wanted to U.S. to reach the level of G.B. Power and respect

17 16. Characteristics Republicans Thomas Jefferson - Small government with limited powers - Favored state governments - Favored an economy based on agriculture Federalist Alexander Hamilton -Opposed giving power to the common people -”Best people” should run government - Strong National government - National bank, 1791

18 17. All are American


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