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Community Participation for Growth The BNVs way………. K.CHANDRAMOULI, IAS AMR-APARD.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Participation for Growth The BNVs way………. K.CHANDRAMOULI, IAS AMR-APARD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Participation for Growth The BNVs way………. K.CHANDRAMOULI, IAS AMR-APARD

2  Yawing gaps in implementing programs  Affects delivery benefits  Gram Panchayats – grass roots level PRIs  Expected to plan  Raise resources  Coordinate  Monitor  Evaluate  Influence  But they are poorly equipped  Inadequate knowledge about programs

3  64 years of post independent era  Eventful journey  Our plans guided the development trajectory of many developing countries  But we are grappling with  Rs. 800,000 crs. Of MoRD’s annual outlays  Rs.800,000 crs. Of States & Uts outlays  Only to improve Quality of life of rural areas and outcomes ? Result :

4 People don’t participate Community doesn’t involve in planning Leakages Allocations are not spent Deliverables not measured Outcomes don’t sustain People don’t own Flagship programmes don’t converge

5  PRA  PLA  PUA  PALM and many Tried and failed again Community involvement through :

6 Now, the community engagement through the youth called BNVs Young men and women Above 18 years From the same village Purely voluntary Made aware of issues / possibilities 40 households attached to each BNV Delivery of services facilitated Act as a bridge between the service delivery dept and service demanding community Nation Building Service One more / last approach

7 One year old Effecting change in the households attached Enable the benefits to reach the unreached Flagship programs converge HENSGDEE became popular Working towards MDGs Villages accessing Social audit Impact :

8 o Liquor banned o Panparag / Ghutka o No smoking o Plastics banned o 100% enrolment o 100% institutional deliveries o Total Sanitation o Clean potable drinking water o Roads, electricity o Solar energy For what good ?

9 o Long pending issues / Land / ration cards resolved o No police / court cases o No diarrhoeal episodes o Gender related good o Environmental sustainability And many more !

10 Thank you

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