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Notebook Entry – Articles of Confederation Activity Classroom Experience Class was divided in 13 groups Each group had one vote Tried to create a Coat.

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Presentation on theme: "Notebook Entry – Articles of Confederation Activity Classroom Experience Class was divided in 13 groups Each group had one vote Tried to create a Coat."— Presentation transcript:

1 Notebook Entry – Articles of Confederation Activity Classroom Experience Class was divided in 13 groups Each group had one vote Tried to create a Coat of Arms Groups whose point value was six or higher got extra credit Coat of arms never adopted Some got frustrated, angry Historical Experience 13 states Each state had one vote Congress dealt w/ many issues (e.g. how to develop Northwest) States hoped to increase size/power by getting land in Northwest Territory Confederation was too weak, failed on most issues People were concerned that it was too weak

2 US Constitution Scavenger Hunt Debrief Finding the Balance


4 Father of the Constitution James Madison – Kept a detailed account of the convention – Helped draft the document

5 Convention Compromises Virginia Plan More power to large states Bicameral legislature Each state’s representation based on population New Jersey Plan Equal power to all states Unicameral legislature Equal number of representatives The Great Compromise Bicameral Legislature Lower house determined by population Upper house each state represented equally

6 3/5 Compromise

7 Checks and Balances

8 Are you psychic? How do you think the issue of states’ rights vs. federal government power will affect American history? Write an answer in your notebook

9 Federalism

10 Federalists Papers Series of essays urging ratification in New York 85 essays written by Publius Actually James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, & John Jay Strong supporters of federalism

11 Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists Strong national government necessary for survival of nation Popular in cities & amongst wealthy Feared strong national government would lead to tyranny Popular amongst farmers & planters

12 Bill of Rights Compromise


14 Impeachment

15 Supremacy Clause

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