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Vocabulary English 3 2016. Vocabulary Activity 1. Give the part of speech of the word 2. write a different form of the word. (Example: tragic- tragedy)

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary English 3 2016. Vocabulary Activity 1. Give the part of speech of the word 2. write a different form of the word. (Example: tragic- tragedy)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary English 3 2016

2 Vocabulary Activity 1. Give the part of speech of the word 2. write a different form of the word. (Example: tragic- tragedy)

3 Unit 1 Vocabulary 1. allegory: a story or tale with 2 or more levels of meaning 2. ambiguity: effect created when words suggest and support 2 or more meanings 3. anecdote: brief story about an amusing and strange event; told for entertainment

4 Cont. 4. connotation: words called to mind in addition to dictionary meaning 5. denotation: it is the words intended meaning(dictionary meaning) 6. essay: short nonfiction work about a particular subject 7. genre: a division, or type

5 Voc. Cont. 8. memoir: autobiographical writing that tells about an event in a person’s life 9. folk literature: a body of stories legends, ballads, myths, and started with the oral tradition 10. narrative: a story told in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or drama

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