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 When are prefixes used in a name?  Define the word Nomenclature.

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Presentation on theme: " When are prefixes used in a name?  Define the word Nomenclature."— Presentation transcript:

1  When are prefixes used in a name?  Define the word Nomenclature.

2  The student will be able to: › Express what they have learned throughout the unit in order to complete a Nomenclature Exam.

3  Rain forest are often cleared to provide land for farming. Which of these outcomes is the most immediate effect of this practice on the global environment? a. an increase in acid rain b. depletion of the ozone layer c. the decreased production of food d. an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.

4  Nomenclature Exam

5  Making Ionic Compounds › Purpose  To mix solutions containing cations and anions to make ionic compounds.

6  Complete Extra Credit › This is an individual assignment if you are caught cheating you will not receive any credit. › Turn in when finished!

7  Extra Credit: Nomenclature › Due next class (no exception  )

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