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Presentation on theme: "SYSTEMS OF SOCIAL STRATIFICATION"— Presentation transcript:

Chapter 6 – Global Stratification – Sociology

2 Social Stratification
The division of large numbers of people into layers according to their relative power, property, and prestige May apply to nations and to people within a nation, society, or other group Occurs in all societies Gender is a basis for stratification in every society

3 Slavery A form of stratification in which some people own other people
Varied greatly throughout history Causes of Slavery – Debt, War, Crime, Racism Conditions of Slavery Length of Service Inheritance of Slavery Power Wealth Slavery was legal in some parts of Africa as recently as 2004.

4 Caste A form of social stratification in which one’s status is determined at birth and is lifelong Boundaries between castes are firm: Endogamy: The practice of marrying within one’s own group Reduce contact between castes through elaborate rules

5 Caste India’s Castes Based on religion Divided into thousands of
subcastes Formally abolished in 1949 Remain part of everyday life

6 Caste South Africa Dutch Afrikaners controlled the government, police, and military under a system known as apartheid Dictated where people could live, work, go to school, and socially interact Illegal now, but its legacy remains

7 Caste A U.S. Racial Caste System
When slavery was outlawed in the U.S., it was replaced with a racial caste system Laws prohibited intermarriage and kept schools and public places segregated Informal laws dictated everyday interactions

8 Estate Estate Stratification System: The stratification system of medieval Europe, consisting of three groups or estates: the nobility, the clergy, and commoners (serfs)

9 Class Class System: A form of social stratification based primarily on the possession of money or material possessions Ascribed or Achieved? Social Mobility: Movement up or down the social class lader


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