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Welcome Key Clubbers!. The Key Club Pledge I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community;

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Key Clubbers!. The Key Club Pledge I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Key Clubbers!

2 The Key Club Pledge I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

3 You joined Key Club… now what? You need… 1.15 service hours (10 of which much be physical) 2.2 social credits 3.Have missed 2 or less meetings throughout the semester ( 1 st and 3 rd Wed. either 6:45 or 2:30) Your hours/social credits start over every semester! *If you didn’t meet these requirements, you are considered an inactive member and the semester will not count for you.

4 How do I get my hours? Search: Make an account on the website! Use this website throughout the year in order to sign up for volunteer opportunities! Also, constantly be checking your email and our website for alerts on new events!

5 Check Sign Up Genius and the website regularly! We update almost everyday and people delete their signups, so always be on the lookout! Instructions for making an account are on the website!

6 REMEMBER! The only way to earn your credit for Key Club volunteer hours and social credits is to volunteer at/attend events offered by our Key Club!

7 What’s expected of ME? When you’re volunteering… - Wear your Key Club shirt! - Always be on time! - Never leave until your work is completely done! - No purple! - No eating! - No cell phones! Do whatever is asked of you with a good attitude Remember… you are there to serve!

8 BRING YOUR SERVICE CARDS! If you do not have your service card with you at the meeting YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE CREDIT FOR YOUR ATTENDANCE! The little dates on the back are to be stamped by our officers If you need your service card signed for an event or social you volunteered at/attended, fill out the date, event name, number of hours, etc. and THEN the president, vps, or supervisors will sign it for you!

9 CARDS DO NOT BRING YOUR CARDS TO THE EVENTS! Service cards are signed by President, VPs, and/or sponsors ONLY If your card has been filled in, please bring it to the correct persons so we can sign next to it.

10 PIE IN THE FACE FUNDRAISER Our pie fundraiser is COMPLETE We raised $50, which is pitiful All of the money will be going towards Kiwanis, who helps us tremendously. Because we did not raise our goal, there will be no social and the DCON costs cannot be lowered.

11 Senior Prom! Don’t forget to sign up We do this event almost every year It’s a fun way to get a bunch of hours It will be held at Grace Care Center across from Cyfalls We will have a prom king and queen, photobooth, dancing, and cookies! You must dress formal! (not homecoming, but nice)

12 DCON DCON 2016 will immerse you in the life of a secret spy, where you will embark on a weekend of exciting missions. Comprised of countless activities, the Welcoming Activity serves as the grand introduction into the Mission Impossible-themed event. This Our mission will not only allow you to interact with other Key Club members around the district, but you will receive officer training, enjoy thrilling competitions and award presentations, and have an amazing time being immersed into the theme. From solving missions with the help of other Key Club members to learning what it takes to become a secret agent, join us as we accept the mysterious challenge that is the mission of service!

13 DCON Contests This competition is intended To Reward The Club Whose Briefcase Contains “the Secret Of Being A Great Key Clubber” Portrayed In The Most unique, original, artistic, And Creative manner. The “secret” Is Open For interpretation, But Must Be Appropriate. Making A Creative “secret” Is encouraged. The case can be no less than 15” in length, 12” in width and 4” in depth. 4. The case can be no larger than 25” in length, 15” in width and 10” in depth. 5. The case can be any type of container that will close (i.e. nothing will fall out, case doesn’t spill open). 6. The case must be closed upon submission, but with the ability for judges to open with no direct assistance from registrant. 7. Only the interior/contents of the case will be judged. 8. No perishable goods or dangerous items are permitted as part of the entry. The poster should be designed to recruit new members for Key Club, and should not bear the name of any school, community, or district. 3. Entries in this category may/may not(depending on digital or non-digital) include material produced through electronic means, such as cameras and computer software. 4. The poster dimensions should be 18 inches by 24 inches, with the actual height and width not varying more than one-half inch for the prescribed contest dimensions. The poster should not measure more than one-eighth inch in thickness. SPY CASE NON-DIGITAL/DIGITAL POSTER

14 Want to be an Officer for 2016-2017? Thank you to everyone who attended the officer meeting! Officer interviews will definitely be posted on sign up genius this week We only have a limited number of spots, so remember that! Dress professionally GOOD LUCK!

15 Scrapbook Committee Come join key club's scrapbook committee. We will be having a meeting in Mrs. Garcia's room from 2:30-3:30pm We gather photos from events and socials from the key club members and compile them in a handmade scrapbook that will compete with others in the Texas-Oklahoma district convention. Even if you don't join the scrapbook committee, you can help make the scrapbook possible and earn donation hours by sending in your school appropriate photos of service projects or socials to WE NEED PICTURES!!!

16 Senior Stoles Write in the comments of the event you are hosting “Host”. Only ONE HOST per event! It’s a first come first serve basis! You must come pick up your sign in sheet 2 days before your event from Mrs. Garcia’s room 3006. Must bee in key club for the past two years Arrive 10min before and stay 10min after your event. Monitor the behavior of others and set a good example. Lead the other officers and help answer any questions they may have during the event. Make sure to help the event coordinator. Write a 400 page article about your overall experience in Key Club.

17 Need donation hours? Coke Tabs! 1 FULL Ziploc bag = 1 donation hour Walmart Gift Cards! Every $5 = 1 donation hour We are always needing to make purchases for the Club! Bring in some Walmart giftcards!

18 Need donation hours? Candy fundraiser! We have two weeks for this fundraiser. Each bag you sell gets you a donation hour. Pick one up after the meeting. If you finish selling and want another, sign out your bag with your money and sign in for another bag. EACH BAG EQUALS $10 If you do not turn in your money, you will be put on the fines and fees list! NO MORE THAN 5 BAGS

19 Stay CONNECTED! General Email: Facebook: Cypress Ranch Key Club Website: Twitter: @ranchkey Instagram: @ranchkeyclub Remind: Text “@ranchkey16” to 81010 Sign Up Genius:

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