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Opening Ceremony Raps gavel and all members STAND President: “We are members of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. Our mission is to promote.

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Presentation on theme: "Opening Ceremony Raps gavel and all members STAND President: “We are members of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. Our mission is to promote."— Presentation transcript:


2 Opening Ceremony Raps gavel and all members STAND President: “We are members of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. Our mission is to promote personal growth and leadership development through Family and Consumer Sciences Education.” Officers: “Focusing on the multiple roles of family member, wage earner, and community leader, members develop skills for life through character development, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal communication, practical knowledge, and career preparation.” Members: “As we work toward the accomplishment of our goals, we learn cooperation, take responsibility, develop leadership, and give service.” President: “This meeting of the McKinney Boyd Chapter of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America is now in session. You may be seated.”

3 Social Media and Meet at the Table! If you are not already doing so, please remember to follow MBHS FCCLA on Instagram and Twitter! Our username is @MBHSFCCLA. Also, please remember to use the hashtag #MBHSFCCLA if you plan to document any pictures of FCCLA events. Your pictures will be used in the photo montage at the end of the year! The Meet at the Table committee will be meeting on November 18th to discuss advertisements, the trophy case, and our progress so far. If you plan to participate in the Meet at the Table project outside of the committee, here is the website where you can take the pledge: 20the%20Table 20the%20Table Our hashtags are #MBHSFCCLAatthetable #TexasFCCLAattheTable #MBHSFCCLA and #FCCLAattheTable

4 FSCA Study Guides! If you plan to take an FSCA, we need people to help us create study guides. Just take the test and the key and create a study guide by forming whole sentences with them. – Chase’s example Ask Mrs. Taylor for the test and the key so you can create your own study guide for a specific test (Child Development, Etiquette, Job Interview, etc.). You will receive one service hour for helping us out with this! – Special FCSA Power Point**

5 Upcoming Events STUCO is having a Winter Wonderland Dance for Elementary school students in December. They need volunteers to help with decorations, announcements, set up/clean up, etc. If you are interested, please let us know! We have had several of y’all sign up to help, but nobody has been to the STUCO room to ask how they could use you. Please go see them to help with this event!!

6 Upcoming Events: We have our 8 th grade dance coming up in January/February – We will discuss further details on this later, but we need to get a committee headed up for this ASAP! This committee will: – Make posters – Make announcements – Contact the middle schools – Make/ post flyers – Get set up/clean up lined up

7 Upcoming Events: We have our Fashion Show in May – We will discuss further details on this later, but we need to get a committee headed up for this ASAP! This committee will: – Make posters – Make announcements – Gather/Contact sponsors – Make/ post flyers – Get set up/clean up lined up

8 Tap Top Committee! A committee for members who want to help us collect tab tops will meet after this meeting. We are planning to set up collection boxes in the front office, the cafeteria, the teacher’s lounge, etc. Please stay after this meeting for more details! All the tab tops will go to The Ronald McDonald House at the end of the year. This is a great way to get involved in our chapter!

9 Missed a Meeting? There will be meeting notes posted online. To earn credit for being there, please go fill out the questionnaire. It’s super easy and quick! – Last meeting’s notes have not been posted yet, but last meeting’s and this meeting’s notes will be posted this week.

10 REMINDERS! We can no longer have announcements made, so just know that our chapter meetings are every other Thursday. Our next meeting is: December 4 th! If you aren’t signed up for Remind101, DO SO NOW! This is super helpful for getting our info and updates out to you. – Text @mbhsfccla to 424-277-2068

11 REMINDERS! Don’t forget to register and pay for your STAR events!! We will have Committee sign ups in the back. Handouts and sign-up sheets are on the way out, and please make sure to sign in if you haven’t done so already.

12 FCCLA Creed We are the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. We face the future with warm courage and high hope. For we have the clear consciousness of seeking old and precious values. For we are the builders of homes. Homes for America’s future, homes where living will be the expression of everything that is good and fair, homes where truth and love and security and faith will be realities, not dreams. We are the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. We face the future with warm courage and high hope.

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