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Environmental Economics Lecture 13: Energy and society.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Economics Lecture 13: Energy and society."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Economics Lecture 13: Energy and society

2 Outline Energy challenges:  Energy use  Unconventional energy  Energy sovereignty 5 presentations

3 What energy source (gas, coal) is the most prevalent today? 1. Oil 2. Coal


5 Which country consumes most energy per capita? Why? Island and the United Arab Emirates

6 Energy consumption

7 Energy availability: Oil mMcM mMcM

8 Peak oil Peak oil is the point in time after which the rate of extraction of petroleum will decline permanently due to limited resources (M. King Hubbert).

9 Shale resources

10 Unconventional sources in the U.S. jIE&list=UUgRvm1yLFoaQKhmaTqXk9SA&in dex=23&feature=iv&src_vid=- ijfbnoc74E&annotation_id=annotation_37699 07621 jIE&list=UUgRvm1yLFoaQKhmaTqXk9SA&in dex=23&feature=iv&src_vid=- ijfbnoc74E&annotation_id=annotation_37699 07621

11 Energy revolution The development of new oil and gas extraction technologies first in the United States and now everywhere else in the second half of the 2010s:  Hydraulic fracturing (fracking)  Horizontal drilling  Gas liquefaction

12 Energy revolution: Implications 1. The rise of the U.S. as a major natural gas producer and exporter 2. Globalization of (gas) energy markets 3. The development of more adaptive and flexible energy production infrastructures 4. The unexpected weakening of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) that had controlled energy markets for half a century

13 What is energy security? Energy security is the association between national security and the availability of natural resources for energy consumption.


15 Energy security vs. Energy sovereignty Energy sovereignty is focused not only national energy security, but also considers:  Local community interests  Environmental challenges posed by fracking locally, nationally and globally  Social costs

16 Group project What are the negative effects of fracking on education as discussed in Schafft’s article? List at least 5.

17 Study Guide Questions What is peak oil? What is energy revolution and what are its consequences? List 4 consequences What is energy security? List 3 aspects. What is energy sovereignty and how is different from energy security? What are the negative effects of fracking on education in local communities as discussed in Schafft’s article? List at least 5.

18 Presentations 10 minutes + 5 minutes discussion PowerPoints (email, USB) Addresses all 5 points from report summary Must attend and participate in discussing your classmate presentations on both days (5% of your class participation points)

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